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My body does this thing whenever he speaks. It sort of just stops and makes sure that all my attention is on him. Not because I admire him but to tell you the truth..it's because I am in love with him.

We have known each other since childhood. Pretty much joined at the hip since before we could crawl but things changed when I was placed into Hufflepuff. He got his own group of new friends who like to bully and ridicule people in their spare time and I got my own group of friends who'd prefer to sit in the grass making daisy chains or baking cookies for other people in their spare time.

Draco and I may be different with personalities and friendship groups but nothing breaks our special bond. It's like we are meant to be. Like we are the perfect pair of friends. We both admit that our favourite part of the week is going down to Hogsmede together. We always put aside our Saturday in order to spend the entire day together. I'm his hufflebuddy as he likes to call me

"Y/N, where you listening to anything I just said?" My friend Alica asked and waved a hand in front of my face.

"Hmm, sorry I was-"

"You were staring again. Honestly I think you are a little bit obsessed with him and to think he's a Slytherin..How can you love him"

"Oh don't pretend that you don't sneak into Madam Puddifoots with Blaise every now and again. Slytherins love Hufflepuffs. They are like two peas in a pod"

"How did you know about Blaise and I?"

"I have eyes Alica"

"Sarcasm coming from Y/N Blossoms mouth. I never thought that could happen"

"Now who's being the sarcastic one, hmm Alica..hmm?"

"Y/N look, he's heading this way"

"Of course he is. I'm his best friend"

Draco sat in front of me and glared at my friends to leave. They soon understood and left. Draco pinched the remaining slice of toast from my plate and grabbed a drink.

"So gorgeous'


"Are we still doing the usual?"

"Obviously. Whose common room is it this week?"


He finished the toast as I placed the last of my breakfast into my mouth. As I gathered my things, he went back to the Slytherin table and gathered his. We met by the door of the hall and walked down to the Hufflepuff common room

"Merlin have I missed the smell of freshly baked treats and flowers that come from the Hufflepuff common room" Draco sighed and breathed in the smell as he and I sat on the couch

"You were in here three days ago Dra and for your information, the Hufflepuff common room does not have a certain smell to it"

"It does however your cute as a button nose is so use to it that you can no longer smell it. I however love the floral smell." He booped my nose with his finger and I snuggled up next to him, "speaking of flowers.."

He pulled out his wand and suddenly the prettiest bunch of flowers I had ever seem  appeared from the end of it. He handed it to me and I gasped. I was use to present such as jewellery and sweets but not flowers as extravagant as these ones. Small jems that looked like rain drops and snowflakes (my two favourite types of weather) beaded throughout the petals

Harry Potter character fluffs and smuts [Discontinued]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang