James-pickup lines

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"Let me guess, you're the type of guy who ignores the rules because it makes you feel in control. Am I right?" I asked as I stopped James from putting the wrong ingredient into a potion

"You're not wrong" he said back with a smirk

"You think that's cute?"

"Do you think it's cute?" The smirk on his face growing

"Honestly, no I don't James. Also have you seen the dragons blood because it is no where in front of us?"

"Oh wait what. I wasn't supposed to put it in the potion yet"

"James Fleamont Potter!" I snapped. "You're telling me that you just messed up the potion by putting the dragons blood in before the other ingredients!"

"..I'm sorry Y/N. Is there anyway we are able to sort it out?"

"I'm not a potions master am I now"

"No but you must be a love potion because I am falling for you"

"You thought that was smooth Potter because it wasn't. Next time don't even try using a pickup line on me because it won't work"

"You say that now but just you wait. I'm the master of pickup lines"

"You're the master of being an idiot"

"My goodness. Ms. Blossom, Mr Potter you have made an extremely difficult potion. It wasn't the one I wanted you to make but this potion is a powerful one. Well done" Slughorn congratulated us gleefully while looking in our cauldron at the potion we had forgotten about

"Turns out I am the master of making potions as well. How about that Y/N?" James smirked and raised his eyebrows confidently

"Don't flatter yourself Potter" I chuckled back and nudged him playfully and a little flirtatiously


"I'm guessing heaven crumbled when you left it Y/N" James said as he and the other boys caught up with me in the halls and he wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him

"Leave me alone Potter. I'm not in the mood right now because I have just been given detention"

"Oh wonderful because I also have detention. You lucky, lucky girl. Getting to spend it with me"

"Oh how absolutely wonderful" I said sarcastically and pushed him away from me

"It's going to be pickup line galore. See you then Y/N" he said before kissing the side of my head lightly and walking off. Peter and Sirius followed him, both with a smirk on their face but Remus continued to walk with me to the library.

"Does he ever stop being annoying?" I asked as we both sat down

"Not when he likes a girl. There are only two ways out of it and they are either give in and go out with him or ignore him until he gives up but that will take years and it will be extremely annoying for you. It's your choice"

"Great so I am stuck because as sweet and funny as James is, I don't want to go out with him however I also don't want to ignore him because he is my friend."


"Did that one work" James whispered in my ear once again. He did this after every pickup line he said to me which in that hour of detention had been about six or seven of them.

"No Potter. It didn't. None of them have so just give up"

"Give up? YOU think I am going to give up because if you do then you obviously aren't as bright as I thought you were"

I slapped his arm hard at that snarky comment and sent him a glare. His smirk faded and he turned back to writing the lines with a small pout on his face. I smiled and watched him gently rub the place where I had hit him.

I couldn't keep my eyes off him. From the wispy hair to the round glasses and the hazel eyes. The slightly chiselled jawline and his his slightly muscley body. He really was quite a cute and fit boy. The way his smirk made butterflies fill my stomach. Was I falling for him? I couldn't be. All he does is annoy me and flirt but then again I do flirt back most of the time and I enjoy the cheesy pickup lines no matter how bad they are. I'm falling for James Potter. I really am falling for him.

"Ms. Blossom your detention is over. Same with you Mr Potter. You may leave and don't continue to talk back to teachers" McGonagall scolded. James and I stood from our seats, I sent a sassy look to everyone else in the room before following James out of the classroom

"Well then Y/N. What are you doing for the rest of the day" James asked, linking our hands together

"What are you doing Potter?" I snapped

"You want to know the reasons as to why I constantly use pickup lines with you Y/N"


"Because I like you. I like you as in more then a friend as in I want you to be my girlfriend and I want to be your boyfriend. Will you be my girlfriend"

"Of course James. I wanted to ask you the same thing"

He scooped me up into a kiss and backed me up against a wall. I was obsessed with how deep and passionate the kiss was. I broke it and grabbed him by the hand, pulling him into the nearest empty room I could find. Once in there, I jumped onto the empty teachers desk and pulled James by the collar of his shirt into another deep kiss. Our tounges fought for dominance and to my dismay his won. I felt his hand run up my thigh and he pressed a finger against my covered clit.

He broke the kiss as he lifted my shirt over my head and unclipped my bra. His lips attacked my chest and breasts and I could feel him sucking lovebites. My hands travelled to the buttons on his shirt and while he continued kissing my chest I unbuttoned his shirt and unbuckled the belt on his trousers. I laid down and bucked my hips up so that James could take my skirt off. He threw it and my underwear to the floor before he took off his trousers.

I let out a small sigh as he slipped a finger inside of me, shortly followed by another one.  He curled his fingers upwards and chuckled when I had shut my eyes at the feeling of pre pleasure. He pumped them at a steady pace and used his free hand to rub my clit furiously

"I swear on Merlins beard..if you stop now James Potter I will kill you" I managed to get out. The feeling soon became unbearable and I bucked my hips as I came over his hand. When I opened my eyes and sat up he looked pleased but I could also see he wasn't satisfied so laid back down and soon after felt him slip inside of me. A few unrecognisable curse words slipped from both our mouths as he began moving. "Faster!" I demand and he listened, increasing the speed while placing kisses from my knee to the top of my thigh and just above my womanhood.

I couldn't hold my orgasm for much longer especially since he had once again began furiously rubbing at my clit and eventually came a second time, this time with a slight broken moan. He came a few minutes after having completely ignored the twitches from my limbs from overstimulation. He hesitated to pull out, not wanting to loose the feeling but eventually he did and I struggled to sit up.

"That was..something" I chuckled and he gave me a kiss on the cheek while handing my clothes to me. "It was something to enjoy though". He chuckled and stepped closer to me, taking me into a hug and kissing along my chest like before. I glanced up at the grandfather clock sitting at the back of the classroom and smirked. "There's always time for a round two"

With these words he gently pushed me back down and we were going for a round two

Let's Yeetus this Fetus

Harry Potter character fluffs and smuts [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now