Harry-After war guilt

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"Good morning" I greeted as some arms went around my waist from behind and a kiss was placed on my cheek.

"Morning" Harry said in a groggy tone. "What's this?" He asked and pointed at the breakfast I was making

"Homemade croissants and fruit salad" I said, looking down at the bowl of fruit in front of me

"Where are the croissants?" He asked excitedly. I smiled and pointed at the oven before turning to face him with a smile. I chuckled at his messy bed hair and tired eyes from long nights working. "I'm so lucky"

"Yes, yes you are" I agreed with him. He smiled and kissed me gently on the forehead. I gasped and pulled from his grip as our black labrador puppy wandered into the kitchen in a ditsy manor. I bent down and picked him up, kissing the top of his head multiple times and smiling as he began licking my face happily. "Good morning Snuffles"

He yapped happily in return and wagged his tail fiercely as Harry began to make a fuss of him. I watched Snuffles excitedly yap and lick Harrys face before I looked up at a photo hanging on the wall

Harry and I were sat on the grass outside of the burrow a couple years after the wizarding war and we were playing with a few new products from Weasleys Wizard Wheezes while laughing at the dumb but genius products

"Are you alright?" Harry asked, bringing me back into reality. I looked at him and smiled

"Yeah I'm fine" I said and placed a kiss on his lips quickly before I placed Snuffles back on the ground and turned my attention back to the breakfast

"Y/N! Harry!" Teddy excitedly greeted, running from Andromeda's side and towards Harry and I. I lifted him up and twirled around, hugging him close. Harry walked towards Andromeda and began helping her bring Teddy's things inside while I walked in and placed him back on the ground, watching in bliss as he and Snuffles began playing.

"Snuffles, careful" I chuckled as Teddy gently fell down because of Snuffles constantly licking his face in pure excitement. The young toddler and the puppy were as close as anything. It's like they had a special connection.

"Teddy" Andromeda said. Teddy stood from the ground and walked over to his grandmother, looking up at her sweetly. "Be good ok. I'll pick you up in three days"

"Nana, I'm always good" Teddy pouted. I looked at Harry and smiled as he watched the toddler. I walked over to him and he put his arm around my waist, holding me close. Andromeda kissed Teddy goodbye before turning to Harry and I after Teddy and Snuffles had run off

"Nymphadora and Remus would be so proud to see you two" She smiled. I looked at Harry and put my head on his shoulder

"They still are" I eventually said. "We've always got them. They are always in our hearts and our memories" I put my hand over my heart

"You're one bright girl Y/N" Andromeda whispered quietly and placed a hand on my cheek.

"You're daughter is the reason why" I smiled. Andromeda removed her hand from my cheek and smiled before she turned and left. I looked at Harry who had a sad smile on his face. "Har, are you alright?"

"They died because of me. Teddy doesn't have his parents because of me. I am the reason Tonks and Remus are dead" he whispered, tears coating his eyes

"No!" I said quietly, cupping his cheeks in my hands and looking into his eyes. "Voldemort is the reason. Remus and Tonks both died protecting the wizarding world. Teddy will understand that when he gets older. Don't blame yourself because it's not your fault and I'm still waiting for you to realise that." I ran my hands along his shoulder and put my forehead against his, wiping away a few tears that had fallen from his eyes. "I love you"

Harry Potter character fluffs and smuts [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now