Sirius-jerk (Erin Lupin)

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"Hey Lupin number two. We need to talk" Sirius Black called from across the courtyard. I caught the ball my friend threw to me and did a couple of tricks with it, purposely showing off while I waited for Sirius to reach me. When he did, he wrapped an arm around my shoulder and smirked

"I recognise that smirk. What do you want Black?" I asked with a hiss

"Well from what I have just seen. You have pretty good skills with balls and I wanted to know if you could handle mine?"

"Fuck off Black. Fuck off right now before I tell Remus all about these little comments" I hissed, pushing his arm from around me and picking my books and wand up off the floor before my friends and I walked off.

We stopped when we heard a wolf whistle come from the one and only Sirius Black. I bit the inside of my cheek, trying not to get mad but I snapped when he said a few comments about one of my friends, Sophie, figure. I handed my books to Lily before turning, strutting towards him and punching his nose. I heard it crack from the force of my fist and I smirked as he fell to the floor

"You're lucky that we are stood on grass otherwise you would have a concussion as well as a broken nose" I hissed as I loomed over him. "Never! Make comments about mine or my friends figures ever again and NEVER make anymore sex related comments to any of my friends or to me ever again because if you do...god help me Sirius I will kill you. Do you understand! DO YOU!" That last bit came out as a yell. All attention was on the scene. Sirius gave me a nod. "I want it in words Black. I want you to tell me that you will never do that again"

"I promise ok Erin. I promise that I won't make anymore sex related comments or anymore comments about yours or your friends figures ever again" He said.

"Good. Now have a nice day and sorry not sorry about your nose" I smirked before turning, taking my books from Lily and walking.

"That was AWESOME. Like seriously Erin. I could never do something like that" Sophie exclaimed as she and the girls caught up with me

"It takes confidence, now come on girls or we will miss dinner"


"I like the nose" Marlene joked as we walked past Sirius, James, Remus and Peter. Lily, Marlene and I tried holding back laughter but couldn't. I felt my wrist being grabbed and I was yanked back by Remus

"Go ahead and wait in the library girls. This will take a while" I said. With a nod, Lily and Marlene had disappeared down the hall and into the library

"This actually won't take a while all I want to know is why you punched Sirius in the nose" Remus demanded. I had never seen my older brother get so angry

"He wolf whistled at me and my friends and he made comments about Sophies figure. What was I supposed to do. Listen to him while he pretendeds that we are objects" I argued back. Remus obviously didn't know what I was talking about because he turned to Sirius and began yelling at him. Remus doesn't allow anyone to call me names and if someone catcalls me they he will kill them

"That's a very satisfied look appearing on your face there Erin" James commented and moved out of the way of Sirius and Remus

"Well I should be satisfied shouldn't I. Your friend was being a jerk and now he is getting what he deserves. Karmas a bitch" I grinned "This isn't over Sirius. You still have loads of karma left to come" I said to Sirius, who was still being yelled at by Remus. I gave them all a very girly wave and blew a kiss to Remus before turning and leaving towards the library

"No one messes with The Lupin Siblings" I mumbled to myself with a smirk appearing cross my face


"I'm home" I exclaimed as I closed the door behind me. I immediately heard some footsteps pound down the stairs and pretty soon my handsome fiancée was at the bottom. He scooped me up into a kiss and still holding onto my thighs and still with my legs around his waist he walked into the living room and gently fell onto the couch. I looked up into his eyes and smiled as he placed another short kiss onto my lips

"I missed you" he chuckled

"I missed you as well"

"How was work?"

"The usual. Explosions, some sort of weird story and some pretty bad injuries. That's St. Mungos for you" I smiled. He chuckled and gave me another kiss before we both sat up. I placed my legs over his and pulled him closer.

Three years after the whole 'I broke his nose' fiasco, Sirius changed. He matured and as much, as my brother didn't like it, we began to date. It has been pure bliss and nothing but love ever since. I do still hold a small grudge against him because of the comments he would say but the guilt because I broke his nose overrides it. He proposed just umder two months ago

"Are you alright handsome" I asked as we moved into a more comfortable and loving position

"Yeah, I'm just remembering our time in Hogwarts. For some reason I miss it."

"You're not the only one. Sometimes I long to be back imside the walls of Hogwarts. They felt safe and I miss the nights we would spend wrapped up in blankets by the fire while playing games like truth or dare and never have I ever. I miss it too" I said as I snuggled closer to his chest

"But if we went back then we wouldn't be together. We wouldn't be engaged and I wouldn't be the happiest man on earth"

"Did you just call yourself a man?"

"Yes. Why?"

"I love when you think so highly of yourself. You will never be a man"

"Hey!" He chuckled and squeezed me. I rested my head on his chest and could feel him placing kisses on my head. I closed my eyes and allowed myself to begin falling asleep. "Sleep well, love" Sirius whispered. "I love you"

"I love you too" I whispered back (my whisper almost fully inaudible) before I was fully asleep

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