Draco- deepest desires

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"Did you guys study?" I asked as the trio and I walked to potions

"Study..study for what?" Ron stutterd and stopped in his tracks

"The test" Hermione said with an obvious tone


"Did you study Harry?" I asked turning to where he had been standing

"Oh look at him..he's staring at her again. Honestly he is obsessed and it isn't healthy" Hermione scoffed before continuing to class

"You go ahead Ron and try to quickly study. I'll drag him along by the ear if I have to"

Ron nodded and ran after Hermione. I walked over to Harry and wacked him around the head slightly

"Bloody hell Y/N. What was that for"

"You were staring at Cho again, now come on we have to get to class before it is too late. I am not getting detention because of your staring Harry Potter"

I dragged him by the sleeves of his robes and we walked into potions just as everyone sat down. Harry went next to Ron as always and I was left with the last seat. The seat next to Draco Malfoy. I timidly sat next to him and all the Slytherins at that table just stared at ms. I ignored them and waited for the class to begin. Professor Slughorn soon walked in holding a cauldron with some sort of green potion inside

"This is a potion that can reveal a persons deepest desire. Drop in a hair and it shall reveal an image of an object or the face of someone whom you desire the most. Your challenge today is to recreate this potion and then find out who or what is your deepest desire" Slughorn announced. I was going to put my hand up and mention the test however a loud hiss of my name from my brother behind told me it was better if I didn't. "Your partners shall be the person you are sitting next to"

"No" I whispered and shyly looked at Draco. He was doing the same thing. Everyone turned to the page we had been told to and began while Draco and I struggled with the awkward tension between us. Eventually we got over it and throughout the entire task began to make small little jokes and I began enjoying myself

"Professor, we are done" I said to Slughorn as he walked past us. He inspected the cauldron on green liquid and nodded, indicating that it was safe for us to use. "Whose first then Malfoy. Me or you"

"Up to you Weasel" He said, ruffling my hair as a joke. I blushed and looked back at Hermione who had an eyebrow raised

"You. You're going first Malfoy" I said.


He plucked the hair from his head and dropped it in the potion. The green liquid began to bubble and eventually an image began to form. We both watched it, eager to see who or what it was going to turn into but my eagerness turned quickly to embarrassment when the image of my face floated from the cauldron then burst into little fireworks.

"Umm.." He stutterd and rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment

"So..." I said back. The awkwardness between us grew again. I ignored it and plucked a strand of my hair. I placed it in and again the potion began to bubble, just like it had done when Draco had placed his in. The same thing happened however instead of turning into a face or an object the bubbling just increased.

"What's happening with yours and Weasleys cauldron over there Draco?" Pansy asked from opposite us

"I don't know"

"Professor Slughorn." I called out and he rushed over. "Our potion seems to have gone wrong"

"I see. Who's hair is this?" He asked and I timidly raised my hand. "Ms. Weasley you seem to have multi-"

Harry Potter character fluffs and smuts [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now