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I don't like attention. I never have however when you are a Malfoy twin it's pretty hard to escape. I'm not like a normal Malfoy though because my older brother is a true Slytherin and loves to brag about that.

We are constantly being compared to each other. Him to me because he's meaner, me to him because I'm nicer. No matter what happens though nothing breaks our bond. We are two peas in a pod. That was until I developed a crush on Neville Longbottom

"Y/N Malfoy!" He chuckled thinking it was a joke when I told him

"Draco it isn't a joke, you've just never spent time with him so you wouldn't know what he is like"

"Go one then. What is he like?"

"Wait actually want to hear about him?" I asked, baffled

"You're my twin sister. Of course I want to hear about the boy you like so that I can make sure he's alright for my little sister"

"I'm only three minutes younger then you Draco, not three years"

"Doesn't matter, you're still the younger one. Now tell me about Longbottom" He protested.

I smiled at my older brother and spent pretty much the entire night explaining everything about Neville. From how confident he actually is to his amazing personality and his glow up. Draco tried his hardest not to make snarky comments but I allowed because that was one thing we always did together.

"I don't care what you think Draco. I like him"

"As much as I want too like him, he will never be good enough for my little sister. I'm making that very clear. Any boy that you date or has a crush on you will have to go through me. They will have to pass my checklist and if they don't then I don't like them"

"You're starting to sound like dad" I cringed, scrunching my nose up and ruffling up his hair. He scowled and poked my ribs. "And besides what about Neville doesn't pass that little checklist of yours?"

"First of all he's a Gryfinndor and second of all he's friends with Potter" he spat, suddenly getting very defensive

"Get over it Draco? Dad doesn't care that you didn't become friends with Harry. That was like seven years ago. He always finds a way and that's something we've known since we were children." I said, rolling my eyes. "And besides I became friends with Harry so..haha" I teased. He scowled again and pulled my hair playfully. I frowned back and hit his chest before ruffling his hair again. We began play fighting until he gave up and flopped onto the couch

"You win Y/N"

"As always" I laughed and waved goodnight as I walked up the stairs and into the girls room.

"Y/N, hi" Neville said. He stopped walking with his group of friends and joined mine. "Can you follow me for a second. It won't take long, I promise"

I was a little taken back by his sudden urge of boldness which was something I had never seen or heard him do before. I nodded and followed him along the corridors of the castle and up the astronomy tower. The sun was setting at a medium speed and it made the autumn sky look gorgeous. I snapped a few photos of it with the camera that was slung around my neck, catching an amazing one of Neville's silhouette

"Woah" I exclaimed, snapping a few more. I looked at him with a smile which he returned. I dropped the camera from my eye and it swung as the strap caught around my neck and stopped it from falling to the ground

"What?" He asked, stepping closer

"This view." I whispered and lent my arms against the bars. "I have been up here before but never during a sunset. It's seriously this is the best view ever." I sounded like a child when I said this but I didn't care

"I've been up here once or twice" Neville sighed, standing next to me. I stood up straight as I gasped and gazed over the absolutely breathtaking view of the grounds and heard Neville let out a small chuckle. I stopped laughing and my eyes widened slightly as I felt his hand wrap around mine

"A-are you holding my hand" I asked, looking up at him and locking my eyes with his. I blushed when I realised they had flickered down to his lips a couple of times.

"Yeah, do you want me to let go" he asked a hint of fear flashing across his eyes

"No." I whispered with a smile, moving a little closer to him. "In fact I never want you to let go. These are dark times we are living in and you're like one of the only people I feel safe talking to"

"I can say the same about you Y/N"

I removed my hand from his and placed it on his cheek. He wrapped his arms around my waist, closing the gap between us by kissing me sweetly. I let my eyes flutter shut and smiled into the kiss as I stood on my tiptoes which deepened the kiss slightly. We pulled away after about a minute and I moved my hand from his face to his back as I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his chest. He stumbled back slightly from the force I had done this but rested his chin on my head

"Y/N can I ask you something?"

"Mhm" was all I said. I was way too caught up in the loving hug at the moment to say anything else

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course Neville" I whispered, looking back up at him and giving him another small kiss. We pulled away and he leant his fore against mine. "I have to admit that I have been crushing on you for a while now." I admitted, biting my lip


"Of course Neville. I mean you are Neville Longbottom. You are absolutely perfect and people who think different are complete morons, that includes my stupid twin"

"I love you Y/N"

"I love you too Neville"

We kissed again and after we had pulled away, I placed my head back onto his chest and we both looked out over the grounds as the sun faded behind the hill. It was absolutely perfect. Me, Neville, a sunset and nothing or nobody worrying us. I was the luckiest girl alive and nothing was going to change that. Not even Draco

Harry Potter character fluffs and smuts [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now