Harry-the 'it' couple

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"Please" I begged as I pulled at the Christmas jumper my boyfriend was wearing. "I am cold"

"Gorgeous you have your own jumpers upstairs" Harry said and kissed the side of my head

"But none are as warm as the ones Mrs Weasley makes. At least I think, I wouldn't know"

"Y/N, you know I can ask my mum to make you one. She would be happy to do it" Ron chuckled as he and Hermione joined Harry and I in the common room

"No because then I don't get to beg Harry for them"

"You seriously aren't taking no for an answer are you?" Harry asked as he playfully pulled me into a hug. I continued tugging at his jumper and the second I gave him my irresistible puppy dog eyes he took the jumper off and pulled it over my head. "Happy now love?"

"I was happy either way but I know if I kept begging and eventually gave those puppy dog eyes then you would give in and give me your jumper. The puppy dog eyes are your weakness"

"No, you are my weakness Y/N"

I blushed and smiled at him. He smiled as well before kissing me passionately. I heard a faint 'aww' come from either Hermione or Ginny and much to Harrys dismay I pulled away and glared at the two girls who were staring at Harry and I

"What is your obsession with us?" I asked, cuddling up to his side

"Oh come on Y/N" Ginny exclaimed and pointed at us. "You're absolutely adorable. You guys are the 'it' couple of the entire school. Everyone wants a relationship like yours and everyone is jealous of the two of you"

I looked at Harry and raised my eyebrows before he nodded as if saying 'I'm not surprised'


After what Ginny had said in the common room, I had started noticing the way people would look at Harry and I when we would be walking down the halls or when we were in the hallways or the courtyard and even when on the quidditch pitch. It was kind of weird knowing that whenever Harry and I walked down the halls people would stop and gaze at us either out of envy, jealousy or something else

"Y/N, how did you find a boyfriend like Harry?" Some random Slytherin asked me as Hermione and I walked down the halls

"Umm, we just started off as friends and eventually it developed into the relationship we have now. It takes time, trust and love." I said back, immediately feeling very uncomfortable. The Slytherin girl squealed before running off to her group of friends. I turned to Hermione with a blunt expression on my face. "It's as if they think I am a freaking relationship guru or something. She is the fourth girl to come up to me out of the seven people who have approached me and it isn't even noon yet"

"Boys are even asking you for advice?"

"Yeah. I swear the next person to come up to me and ask for advice is going to earn themselves a punch in the face"

"Y/N, who asked who out because I want to ask someone out but I don't know if it's ok for a girl to ask a boy out" Luna voice said from next to me and I turned.

"Ok so it won't be the next person and Luna, it doesn't matter who asks out who as long as you express your feelings and tell the truth about how you feel" I said and watched as she ran off across the grass like a gleeful toddler.

"Harry James Potter, I swear on Merlins beard that if you don't put me back down then I will have to hex you" I warned. Finally my feet hit the ground again and I pouted at him before childishly turning my back to him and crossing my arms

"Y/N, don't do that. Please. I'm sorry I just love picking you up and then seeing the adorable pout appear on your face. You aren't actually mad at me are you?" Harry asked and stood in front of me

"Of course I'm not mad Harry" I exclaimed before wrapping my arms around his neck amd pulling him into a deep kiss. His arm slithered around my waist and he pulled my closer to his body making the kiss deeper. I heard a few comments coming from students around us and tried to block them out but certain ones disturbed me slightly and others made me feel uncomfortable. I pulled away and buried my head into his neck

"I love you" he whispered and pulled me even closer then before

"I love you too and I love when you get all sappy and sentimental" I whispered and pulled him even closer. He placed another long kiss onto my lips and tugged off my cardigan as I pushed off his robes and pulled him closer

"Mr Potter, Ms. Blossom" Professor McGonagall coughed from behind us. Harry and I flew apart and looked up at her. "There is a time and a place for that and don't go planning to do it this weekend because you both have detention"

"For what?" I snapped in a tone more aggressive then I intended it to be. "For kissing,"

"No Ms. Blossom. The reason is you both forget to hand in the homework today and for that attitude. Yours is Saturday Mr Potter as for you Ms. Blossom. You have a double on Sunday" McGonagall explained before turning on her heel and leaving. I turned to Harry with another huge pout on my face. He chuckled and kissed my nose

"It's your fault Y/N. You did snap at her"

"I didn't mean to!"

"I find it hard to believe you love"

"Ok well I may have intended to only ask that but it came out in that harsh tone and now I have a two hour detention on Sunday. That's so unfair"

"How was that love?" Harry asked as I flopped face first onto a couch in the common room

"Umbridge can go jump off the astrometry tower" I groaned, burying my head into the cushions

"You had Umbridge, I thought you were meant to have Professor McGonagall" Hermione exclaimed as she pushed my legs off the couch and sat down. I slipped onto the floor and rested my head onto my hands. "Y/N get up. It couldn't have been that bad"

"You try having a two hour detention with Umbitch looming over you every second and pointing out every slight mistake you make and blabbering on about how she believes that Voldemort isn't alive and how she believes that Harry is a liar, which you aren't love. Go on Hermione. I dare you"

"Alright, you need sleep" Harry chuckled and helped me up from the floor. He walked me up to the boys room and laid me onto his bed before cuddling up next to me

"Why are we in the boys room?" I whispered, snuggling closer to him. I could feel him placing soft kisses on the back of my neck which sent cold shivers up and down my spine

"So we can cuddle without having to worry about Hermione and Ginny snapping secret photo of us and without having to listen to them giggle non-stop"

"Wait, they take photos of us while we are in there?" I asked, shooting up and turning to him. He sat up slowly and pulled my legs over his lap, wrapping an arm around my back

"Not while we are..you know, but while we cuddle"

"Those two are so weird"

"You're telling me"

I turned to him with a sarcastic smile and wrapped my arms around his neck while I rested my head on his shoulder. He placed kisses just under my ear and sucked a lovebite or two onto my neck. He pulled me even closer and buried his head into the crook of my neck

"I love you Har" I whispered in his ear and kissed the side of his head

"I love you too Y/N" he whispered back and placed another couple of sweet kisses along my neck as I closed my eyes and began to fall asleep

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