Neville-Battle of hogwarts

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*In honour of 22 years since the battle of  hogwarts ❤😥💔*

"Has anyone seen Neville?" I asked as I frantically ran the opposite way to everyone else. "Neville?"

The end of the battle was nearing and last time I saw him it looked as if he was about to join Voldemort. I was beginning to get nervous. What if something had happened to him? What if he was dead? No, don't think that. Neville is strong and brave he just doesn't know it. Millions of questions were running throughout my mimd as I wandered around the great hall like a lost puppy.

To take my mind of thimgs I decided to help Professor Slughorn and some other teachers tend to the wounded and my heart broke when I saw Fred, Remus and Tonks all lying there dead. Every now and again I would look up and try to find my boyfriend in the sea full of heads that were running around as the battle had begun again

"You're leg is bleeding again Ms. Blossom. Let me" Slughorn said and used his wand to fix up a semi-big wound on my leg. I smiled up at him before being pulled away from him and the person we had been treating

"Y/N, please tell me you have seen Ginny?" Ron asked

"Aww, Mister red head actually cares about his baby sister"

"Now is not the time for teasing Y/N" Hermione snapped

"I'm sorry. I saw Ginny a minute ago. She was fighting with Bellatrix before your mother stepped in and killed her"

"Is she safe?"

"I don't want to seem careless but I have been more focused on finding my boyfriend then anyone else. I haven't heard or seen Neville in a while and I am starting to panic..hard!"

"Please Y/N, when you Ginny did she seem safe"

"She's Ginny. She's a badass. I believe that she is perfectly fine" I comforted before I began to walk away.

"You believe!" Ron snapped and turned me back to face the two of them "You.. Oh shit-"

Rons sentence was cut off by some death eaters sending spells our way. The three of us blocked them and then sent out own spells their way.

"That was easy" Hermione said and latched her arm around Rons

"Oh you two are cute together. Good going Hermione" I whispered in her ear as I playfully pushed past her and into the crowd of panicking students who all seemed to be heading out to the courtyard.

I was pretty much carried by the crowd and we all eventually got outside where Harry had just taken down Voldemort. He was being hugged by all his friends but Neville was no where to be seen

"Y/N?!" Harry called out and waved me over. I smiled before I quietly and slowly walked over to him. "Are you alright"

"I think the question is are you alright? You have just killed Voldemort."

He laughed sweetly at my statement and then I hugged him and he hugged me back.

"Are you alright. You never answered my question"

"Honestly, I could be doing better. Have you seen Neville"

He pulled from the hug and his eyes scanned everyone around and the shook his head no as a worried expression appeared on his face

"For frick sake. I haven't seen him a like over half an hour and I'm starting to get even more worried then I was before"

"Are you looking for Neville?" Luna asked as she stood next to me and placed a hand on my arm. I nodded with a wave of hope running over me. "He asked me where you were before running off into the courtyard when I told him that I hadn't seen you"

"Oh my god, thank you Luna..Like seriously thank you"

I hugged them both before sprinting off to the courtyard. Once I got there I saw Neville sat on the ground with his head in his hands.

"Neville" I exclaimed and ran to his side

"Y/N?..Y/N" he said, his voice shaking. He threw his arms around me and I buried my face into the crook of his neck. I placed a few small kisses there before looking up at him with sad puppy dog eyes

"Oh my god, Neville your face. It's covered in blood. What happened?"

"We just had a war Y/N. Look at your leg"

I glanced down at my leg before lookimg back at him and pressing my lips against his. Our lips slowly moved against each others. It was a slow and loving kiss that we both needed. I love the feeling of his lips against mine

"Let's go, the others are worried about you"  I said while standing and extending my hand to him. He took it and I helped him get up. We walked from the courtyard to where our friends stood all still congratulating Harry.

"Y/N, Neville" Our friends said in relief. Everyone came over to us and we all hugged tightly, my hand slip from around his.

Our friends all congratulated Neville for killing Nagini, something I didn't know he had done. Once everyone had engulfed the two of us in hugs I went back over Nevilles side and connected my lips to his softly. We pulled away and he lowered his head slightly in order to place his forehead against mine

"I love you gorgeous"

"I love you as well handsome"

"You guys alright?" He asked as he removed his forehead from mine and our friends all gave very uncertain nods..well most of them did. "I'm sorry about Fred by the way Ron"

Ron gave us both a very small smile and Hermione wiped a tear that was falling down his cheek away before kissing it gently while I wrapped my arms around Nevilles waist and buried my face into his chest. Neville continued his conversation with Harry and Dean while Iremembered the amazing friends that I had, had with Fred and began to cry slightly. I was close with so many people who had died today but it was also because I was one lucky girl. I had kept my Neville and he had kept me.

I looked up at him with tears still falling from my eyes and he looked down at me, his eyes glazed with water. I smiled at him and he kissed my nose

"I am really one lucky guy" he whispered in my ear

"And I'm the luckiest girl. I love you so much Neville"

"I love you too"

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