George-art and cuddles

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I sat staring at a drawing I had just finished while being warmed up by the crackling fire of the Gryfinndor common room and listening to the heavy rain hitting the windows of the common room. Classic British weather. Large rainstorms, especially around Autumn and Winter.

Behind me I heard the light padding of footsteps coming from the stairs that led to the boys room. My energy was at an all time low so I didn't bother to turn and see who it was, I just waited for them to either make themself known or walk right past me

"Y/N?" A familiar voice whispered, groggily and I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned and my eyes met with Georges. "What are you doing up this late. Are you alright"

"Yeah, it's just I have a lot on my mind right now and I need to find a way to get those thing out off my mind so I'm drawing"

"Is that us?" He asked and immediately sat down next to me and pulled me into a hug

"Yeah, it's us and that is Fred who is always third wheeling with us"

"Third wheeling. What does that mean?"

"A third wheel is someone who is tagging along in a group but doesn't really fit in with the situation. For example Harry with Ron and Hermione or Fred with us. Do you get it now?"


He kissed the side of my head while pulling me closer to his chest. I laid my head onto his shoulder after placing my sketchbook onto the big coffee table. I loved these nights. Nights where I would snuggle up with George in the common room while listening to rain and thunder shake the entire castle or watching snow fall like the leaves do in autumn. It was so relaxing. I couldn't explain the feeling of love that ran over my body when I propped my chin up and looked at him.

"You know. Staring is rude gorgeous" he chuckled and placed a loving kiss onto my lips

"I wouldn't be staring if you weren't so damn attractive Georgie." I chuckled and moved up so that I could place a long kiss onto his lips again.

"You flatter me Y/N. When did you last sleep, you're eyes seem really puffy and you have dark circles under them"

"I got a good amount last night it's just I am guessing that I'm just overworked and over tired. Cuddles with you always help me though."

"You're so cute. Honestly if you get any cuter I am going to burst"

"Says you. You're the cutest George. If you continue getting cuter then you will never be able to get rid of me. I love you"

"I love you more gorgeous"

He placed kisses into my hair and pulled me closer. It was like he never wanted to let me go. I could feel my eyes becoming heavier with sleep but I was trying my hardest to keep them open. I didn't want George to have to stay in the common room while I sleep but eventually my body wouldn't allow me to keep them open any longer and I closed my eyes

"I love you Y/N" I heard him mutter into my hair

"I love you too Georgie" I mumbled back while I began drifting off into a deep sleep.

(A/N: i'm sorry this chapter is so short. A moth was flying around my room and it was out to get me so I wanted to turn my light off as soon as possible)

Harry Potter character fluffs and smuts [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now