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Making this my 2k special. THANK YOU SO MUCH XX.

Requested by Redlovelybeast . There is no dating in this because you and Harry are half-siblings and that would just be super weird and creepy. Be prepared, it's a long one (over 4000 words long)

"J-Ja-James..?" Naomi asked, tapping James on the shoulder. James turned and his eyes met with Naomi's blissful green eyes. "W-we need to talk." Her expression was worried. James stood from the Gryfinndor table and followed her to the room of requirements.

"What's going on. What happened?" James asked once they had made sure nobody else was in there

"I am just going to come right out and say this.. I think I'm pregnant"

"W-What...?" James stutterd. "How..well I know how but..what?"

"A few weeks ago after the party in the common room..we went up to your head boy bedroom and..." Naomi couldn't finish the explanation as she broke down into tears. James pulled her into a hug and ran his hand up and down her back

"You said you think..y-you don't know?" James asked after a few seconds of silence. Naomi looked up at him and gulped, nodding slowly after

"I'm not quite sure since I haven't taken a test yet nor have I used the charm that tells you. It's just..my appetite has been off and I get nauseous at random points during the day. I also almost fell asleep in class the other day which is something that never happens"

"You could just be ill"

"That's not all... I missed my last period"


James' eyes widened and he pulled her into another hug, kissing the side of her head. They stood in the room of requirements in that same hug for a while before deciding that Naomi should take a test just to make sure.

Hand in hand they walked to the Gryfinndor common room where Naomi grabbed a pregnancy test from one of her roommates trunks. She hid it in the sleeve of her robe so that people who were already sat in the common room couldn't see. Her and James walked to the prefects bathroom were Naomi took the test while James waited.

"How long does it say?" James asked as Naomi placed the test on the side, washed her hands and stood next to him

"Around three minutes..what are we going to do if I actually am pregnant?" She asked, placing her head against James as he wrapped an arm around her

"I-I'm not really sure..what do you want to do?"

"I'm keeping it no matter what my family says." Naomi replied almost immediately. "J-James if this makes you uncomfortable you don't have to stay. You don't have to be a part of this"

"Naomi we don't even know if you are or aren't yet and if you are then I am staying. I love you no matter what happens and I will be here for you no matter what happens. I promise you..heck I even pinky promise you"

Naomi looked up at him with a smile as their lips met in a soft kiss. They pulled away slowly and Naomi looked over her shoulder to glance at the pregnancy test. Sat there clear as day were two vibrant blue lines. She let out a gasp, half out of bewilderment and terror and the other half out of excitement and happiness

"I'm pregnant" she whispered, her voice breaking ever so slightly. James looked at the test for confirmation before smiling widely and lifting Naomi onto the side next to the sink. Their lips met again and they didn't want to pull away. Naomi broke it as tears trickled down her permanently rosey cheeks

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