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"You haven't been sacked, have you Hagrid?" I asked, sitting on the same rock as Harry, Ron and Hermione

"No, I 'aven't been sacked." Hagrid said as he continued skimming rocks on the surface of the lake

"What's happened. What did Lucius Malfoy get them to do?" Hermione asked

"..Buckbeaks been sentenced to death!" Hagrid yelled, it echoed throughout the forest nearby. The trio stood from the rock in shock but sympathy all over their faces.

"Excuse me for a second" I growled but before I could storm off and go kill my brother, Harry caught me in a hug and held me in place

"Y/N, you can't. I know you love Buckbeak believe me so do I but you can't go and yell at Malfoy.."

"He's my brother Harry. I can yell at him as much as I want"

"Y/N, can't you talk to your father about this?" Ron asked and placed a hand on my back

"Even if I did he wouldn't listen. Draco is the golden child and it's pretty obvious who they prefer out of the two of us. All because my brother is well..all because he is a true Slytherin and a true Malfoy. Whatever that means" I said with a slight laugh. "I can try though but I'm not sure if it will help. I'm sorry Hagrid"

"Don' worry Y/N. You weren' the one who did it" Hagrid sniffed a little when he said this. My heart sank when the vision of the execution came into my head and I buried my head into his neck and wrapped my arms around his waist

"Y/N, come. The minister, executioner and Dumbledore are coming this way" Hermione whispered as she, Ron and Harry poked their heads out of Hagrids hut.

"I'm sorry Hagrid. I really am it's just my dad is insisting that Dracos arm almost fell off" I apologised to Hagrid quickly before I blew Buckbeak one last kiss and joined the other three behind some pumpkins

"Nice rat" I whispered to Ron and watched. We heard some twigs snap behind us and I practically felt the other three turn but I kept my eyes glued on the executioner giving him a horrifically dirty look.

"Y/N, come on. Let's go" Ron whispered and Hermione comfortly grabbed my hand. She nodded and I gave a slow one back, telling her that I was going to be ok.

We ran back up the hill and stood, looking over the grounds. I gulped and a feeling of complete nausea ran throughout me. I couldn't handle it when the executioner raised his axe and I hid my face into Harrys neck as I wrapped my hands around his shoulders

"Y/N. Go back up to the castle if this is too much for you" Harry whispered

"In a second" I said as I began crying. The three of them all pulled me into a big hug as the tears came on quicker. I calmed myself a little before hugging Hermione tightly again and kissing both boys on the cheeks and running back to the Slytherin common room

"Y/N, what's wrong?" Draco asked as I walked past him, Pansy and Astoria. He grabbed my hand and turned me to face him a look of worry filling his face. "Y/N, please what's wrong?"

"You want to know what's wrong..go down to Hagrids and look at that poor Hippogriff with his head slashed off. That should show you what is wrong" I growled, pulling my arm from his grip and storming up to the girls bedroom


"Draco, don't boast. It's rude" I quietly said as we walked across the stands at the quidditch World Cup. Both him and my father eyed me with incredibly dirty looks before they continued walking. I looked up at Harry and Ron and giggled quietly at the length and messiness of their hair.

Harry Potter character fluffs and smuts [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now