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"Hi girls" Ron greeted as he joined Ginny and I in the halls. We continued walking down the halls and I brushed my hand against his before linking them together. "Where are we going?" He asked when we had walked past the library

"We need to go down the stairs to get out into the courtyard so we can get to the Gryfinndor quidditch tryouts." I sarcastically explained. "Hence why Ginny here is in her quidditch uniform"

"Are you not trying out this year or have they already given you a spot because you're so amazing at it?"

"I said that this was the Gryfinndor ones and I am a Ravenclaw. I'm just going to watch"

He rolled his eyes playfully and ruffled my hair. Ginny split from the two of us as we got closer. She walked into the changing rooms while Ron and I met Hermione on the stands. Honestly though, Ron and I didn't spend much time watching the tryouts instead we were too busy gazing at each other and talking

"You alright there my small ginger Gryfinndor?" I asked, strutting over to him and Hermione who seemed to be more invested in her work then the chaos that is the weekends at Hogwarts

"You still call him that?" Ginny asked. She watched as I wrapped my arms around Rons neck from behind and rested my chin on his head

"Of course. It was what I called him during our first year because.. I was unable to remember his name" I admit with a smile. He whirled around and grabbed me by the waist, pulling me onto the bench next to him

"You're being serious?" He asked and kissed my cheek

"It's not my fault that there are so many Weasleys ok so don't blame me."

"We all know whose fault it is though" Harry smirked with his eyebrows raised and I laughed immediately understanding the comment.

It took the other three a little longer to understand it but when they did Hermione scoffed and left, Ginny slapped Harry around the back of his head and Ron turned bright red before burying his face into my neck. I kissed his gorgeous ginger locks while he placed kisses against my neck. He looked up at me before attaching his lips to mine softly

"I love you" I whispered, pulling away

"I love you too" he chuckled and kissed me again

"You two are absolutely..disgusting. Please stop" Ginny said and shot us a glare

"You don't need to look at it you know Gin" Ron scoffed and placed another kiss onto my lips

"I said stop!" Ginny growled and threw a crumbled up piece of paper at us. Ron and I pulled away and both nodded as we grabbed pieces of paper and threw them right back at Ginny. This started a miny paper throwing fight between Harry, Ron, Ginny and I.

"Ron" I panted as I ran up to him, dropping my trunk in the middle of the hallway as I did

"Love" he said but it was more of a question

"I just wanted to give you your present. I'm going home for Christmas to surprise my parents and my grandparents." I smiled and handed him a box wrapped in Christmas themed wrapping paper.

"Have I already given you yours?" He asked. I nodded and gave him a long and loving kiss before picking my trunk up from the floor and walking down to Hogsmede with some of my friends

[Third Person POV]

Y/N ran into Blossom Manor to greet her parents and her grandparents only to be stopped when she ran into the dining hall and saw it was full of death eaters. From lower, newer ranked ones like Pettigrew to higher, more loyal ones like the Lestranges. Her heart sank and her throat closed up when she saw Voldemort sitting in her fathers usual one at the head of the table. Every single head turned to look at Y/N and she saw her mothers and fathers eyes widen as they saw her (clearly shocked) standing in the doorway

"Y..Y/N. What are you doing back." Her mum, Annalise, hissed and dragged Y/N by the wrist up to her grand bedroom. "We thought you and your brother were staying at Hogwarts over the Christmas holidays"

"I came back to surprise you, dad, Nanna and Grandpa. Henry is still at Hogwarts, but that's not the point. The point is that I thought you were all done with being death eaters. Mum why are they here? What's happening?"

"Love we..your father and I have been thinking and came to the conclusion that we are safer being allies with Voldemort. He's powerful and if we stick with him then we will have protection"

"We already have protection mum. You told me last year"

"That's because I didn't want you to be worried. The truth was we didn't. We had no protection at all."

"You and dad lied to me?" Y/N stutterd, loosing her patience with every passing second. "I can't believe this. You guys are so unpredictable and selfish"

"Selfish. How dare you call us selfish" Annalise hissed, throwing herself towards her daughter and gripping her forearms tightly. Y/N squirmed as her mother dug her nails into the skin of her forearm further. "Your Father went to Azkaban to protect you so when you next go to call us selfish think about that."

She continued explaining dumb reasons as to why the dark lord was there and what his plans were all while digging her nails into Y/Ns skin further. Y/N let out a whimper as she nodded. Her mother saw that she was causing her daughter pain and let go of her arms. Y/N pulled up the sleeve of her t-shirt and ran her thumb over the nail indents in her skin.

Annalise took over, gently rubbing them and looking into her daughters tear-glazed eyes. She kissed her forehead just like she would when Y/N was a child but this wasn't a normal one. It wasn't one of her loving ones instead it was soft and quick, she only does these kisses when something bad is about to happen

"Mum, what is it? What's he about to do?"

"You know too much my love and there's a chance you'll slip up and say something you aren't supposed to. I'm sorry, I love you but this is necessary"

"What? What's necessary?"

Y/N watched as her mother stopped running her thumb along the indents and pulled out her wand. She was a master at using magic both without saying the spell check and without using her wand, but this time she decided to say the spell so that Y/N knew what was coming

"Obliviate" she whispered and a flash of white light was sent shooting towards her daughter

It was one strong spell and Y/N was sure to never remember her 'small Ginger Gryfinndor'

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