Fred-pranking partners

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"No one is as bad as the Weasley twins. Fred and George." Draco explained as we sat listening to Professor Binns blabber on about nonsense. It was still only my first week in the school after my transfer from Beauxbatons. "Another thing about the Weasleys is that they are they type of people who gladly associate with muggles and filthy little mudbloods such as Hermione Granger"

"You said no one was as bad as those twins. I bet I can be just as bad"

"Go on then. Bless us all with your pranks"

"Well first of all there's this" I shot fireworks around the room, lightening the mood a little but enraging Professor Binns. "And then there is this" I said as I pointed my wand at the student sat across from me. Bubbles started forming in his mouth

"Continue" Draco said, sitting up and suddenly looking very intrigued. I winked and shot different hexes at different students.

Annoying butterflies that won't go away, horns sprouting from one girls head and finally mine and everyones favourite. The hex that made Professor Binns break down into some truly awful dance moves. The entire class was in fits of laughter at the sight, even the people who were still trying to sort out their own hexes

"Impressed?" I asked Draco from over the noise of laughter

"Obviously! You need to rival those twins"

"I think I already have" I said, pointing at the two redheads up in the corner opposite who couldn't stop glaring at me as if I had three heads

"I've never seen them look so mad" Draco exclaimed and nudged my arm. The class soon finished and as I packed away my things, I could hear two people conversing next to me quietly

"Do you need something?" I asked, not looking at them. I continued packing my bag but stopped when the seats either side of my got pulled out and two redheads sat down next to me

"We saw those pranks" one said

"Ok, what do you want?"

"Nothing" the other one said

"Then you wouldn't have sat down if you didn't want anything" I pointed out

"Ok, we want to team up with you. If we do then we would rule the school"

"What would I get from it?" I asked. The two boys raised their eyebrows and I let out a small scoff. "You really think I am going to team up with you if I am not going to get anything out of it." I got up to leave but one of them grabbed my hand to stop me

"You'll get popularity..and I'm Fred by the way"

"I'm Y/N and I already have popularity. The answer is still no"

"Come on, if we start selling things then you will earn money" George pointed out and winked at me flirtatiously

"I already have that as well"

"You will get to spend time with us. Get to know us better and you might even...end up falling for one of us" Fred whispered and gently pulled me down onto his lap and placed his hands on mine. I raised my eyebrows and laughed when they both sent me a seductive wink

"Well then boys" I said and got off Freds lap, "think of me as your new partner." I turned and walked out of the class while sending them both a wink and biting my lips in a seductive way


"Don't stop Fred" I whispered trying my hardest to be quiet. We had snuck off to the broom closet for a little rendezvous. Fred quickened his pumping and finally I broke and came. He came a few seconds later and buried his head into my neck, both of us panting heavily

"That was something special" Fred whispered and I chuckled, kissing the side of his head.

"I think we should go back to our common rooms. People will start getting suspicious" I whispered and pulled him even closer to my hot body. I didn't want to go back but it was getting late and I had made plans to pull a few late night pranks on Filch with Blaise

"Oh come on. Can't we go for a round two" Fred asked, pulling me off the table I had been on and hugged me. I let out a sigh as I felt his member once again harden against my skin. I looked up at him and he seemed a little embarrassed. I smiled and jumped back onto the table

"Fine. A quick one though"

Fred grinned before slipping his errect member into me again. I grip his hair, pulling at it slightly, as he began thrusting into me roughly. He pressed his hand on my waist harshly and I tightened my grip on his hair. We didn't care about the amount of noise we were making because it was overruled by the amount pleasure we were experiencing. I winced when the tip of his member brushed against my g-spot and Fred took note, adjusting slightly so that with every thrust he hit it.

A loud and broken moan left my mouth as I came a second time and I rested a little. Fred however wasn't down and continued, he rubbed his thumb against my clit which made we twitch slightly due to overstimulation. Finally Fred came with a broken moan and he once again rested his head into my neck, sucking a few big and dark lovebites.

We caught out breath before getting redressed. I used my wand to clean up the mess we had made and then took Fred by the hand and we left the broom closet quietly. I kissed him goodbye as we neared the fat lady portrait. I continued walking to the common room but didn't get very far because I realised that I was wearing his tie

"Fred wait" I exclaimed. He stopped and turned towards me. I walked towards him and handed over his tie

"Keep it. Gryfinndor looks good on you"

"Have you got another one?"

"No..but I have roommates and many siblings"

"Fine..but take this." I took my Slytherin tie out of my pocket and put it around his neck with a kiss on the cheek. "Slytherin looks good on you"

He chuckled and pulled me into a kiss. A deep, passionate and incredibly steamy kiss. We pulled away and he disappeared into the Gryfinndor common room with a smirk, leaving me to walk down to the dungeons very flustered and with a deep blush on my face


"Are you ready?" I whispered to the twins who were stood behind me.

"Ready!" The chorused and mounted their brooms. Before kicking off, Fred pulled me onto the back of his broom. I wrapped my arms around his waist tightly as we raced down the halls. I used my wand to set off fireworks as well as using Fred and Georges own fireworks. We flew through the door, which Umbridge had opened, that led to the great hall where OWL's were currently being held. George used a spell to throw all the papers into the air as the three of us threw a firework to one another

"I love you Fred" I whispered as we watched a big dragon made out of fireworks chase Umbridge

"I love you too Y/N" he whispered back as he turned slightly, placing an arm around my back and pulling me into a kiss. The cheers of pure happiness turned into louder cheers and whistles as everyone, besides Umbridge, looked up and their eyes caught the kiss. We pulled away and looked over at George who grinned. I sent over a nod and after I had we flew out of the hall, into the courtyard and up into the sky. I could still hear the cheers from the students down below us

It really was one way to make a grand exit

Let's Yeetus this Fetus

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