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Y/H/L: your hair lengh
Y/H/C: your hair colour
Y/E/C: your eye colour

There's a lot of changes in POVs in this one. I'm not sorry


Harry, Hermione and I walked into the almost empty common room. It was only being occupied by one person. A girl with Y/H/L  Y/H/C hair, Y/E/C eyes and a quiet expression. She glanced at us and packed her work away before she quietly stood and left, sending me a small smile before she disappeared up to the girls room.

"Who is that?" I asked. Harry shrugged and Hermione stared at something she had picked up off the floor with a smile, completely ignoring my question. Harry and I looked over her shoulder and saw a picture in her hands.

In this picture, a man, a woman and two small but insanely adorable toddlers were all messing about in a field with happy smiles. We watched as the picture repeated itself before I looked down at the writing at the bottom. There was a date and some names

"17/06/1985. Mary Y/L/N, David Y/L/N, Alex Y/L/N and Y/N  Y/L/N" I read out quietly

"I read about the Y/L/N family." Hermione said. We all sat down still looking at the picture. "Hundreds of years ago one of them created many powerful potions and the family earned loads from it. Like almost a million. This money was mostly always passed down to the eldest child but over Christmas last year, the current holders were killed and the heir to the fortune was tortured into insanity"

"So the Y/L/N legacy died with them?" Harry asked and sadly, Hermione nodded. "So how did that girl get a picture of them playing with a little girl?"

"I don't know but she seemed scared when she saw us and I've never seen her before."

"It's like she knows something she shouldn't know" I said. Hermione and Harry nodded in agreement. I took the picture from Hermiones hand and stared at it as those two started their homework

What did that mysterious girl know?

"Are you serious. These jumpers just keep getting worse" I complained as I unwrapped the jumper my mum had knitted me this year

"Be grateful Ronald" Hermione snapped, slapping my arm and smiling at her jumper. "Some people don't get Christmas presents so for you to get some you should be happy"

"Like her. Look" I whispered, secretly gesturing to that mysterious girl who was sat in the corner with her knees by her chest, her arms around her knees and her sad gaze fixed on us as we all happily opened our presents. "She was sat there when we came down this morning and hasn't moved since"

"The poor girl. She looks like she hasn't slept in days" Harry said, his arm going around Ginny who moved her gaze from Harry to the mysterious girl

"You're talking about Y/N?" Ginny asked

"You know her?" I asked in disbelief.

"Of course. She's in my year" Ginny nodded with a sad frown. "It's tragic what happened to her parents and her brother" She continued

"W-what happened?" Hermione asked

"The Y/L/N's. Don't you know them? How they were killed last Christmas and their fortune was taken?"

"Yeah, Hermione told us about them" Harry sighed. "But didn't they all get killed?"

"No. Her mum and dad did, her brother got tortured into insanity, but she was here over that winter holiday and once Dumbledore had found out about her family, he made it his job to protect Y/N and has managed to do it quite well."

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