Remus-Little tike

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Hey, it has been a while since I updated. I've been busy and a little unmotivated but I am here and thought hey I should update so here peeps have a draft I don't really like 😽✌🏻.

"Are we going to be ok at this?" I asked Remus as we waved goodbye to James and Lily who were off on a date. He looked at me with a smile before chuckling

"No, this little one has always been a trouble maker" He said and tickled Harry's stomach. The almost one year old giggled and bounced in Remus' arms.

"Oh goodie" I rolled my eyes

"Oh come on, we've baby sat him before"

"But he was unable to crawl. He can crawl now and I am not in the mood to lose him right now"

"Right now?" He raised his eyebrows

"Ok look, sometimes I am really in the mood to purposely lose this child"

"Oh god" He turned to Harry who was sucking his thumb. "Don't worry little prongs, I'll keep you safe from her"

"You're so stupid" I laughed and then disappeared into the kitchen

"He won't stop crying Remus! What do I do!" I freaked out as I attempted to calm Harry down during a melt down

"Have you given him a bottle?" Remus asked, towering over Harry and I with a little smile

"He won't drink it"

"What about changing his nappy?"

"It doesn't need changing"

"Ok, what about putting him down for a nap"

"I this he is an insomniac"

"Like you?"

"Yes" I rapidly replied and we broke out into laughs. Remus picked up Harry and silence came across the room. I stood up, pouting at Remus and Harry childishly. "Are you serious"

"No, I'm Remus"

"Oh no shi-" I began but changed my thought process and choice of words at the sight of one of Remus' deadly glared. "Oh sugar Sherlock" I pinched Harry's chubby cheeks. "Next time, make it easier for me to figure out what is wrong" I cooed, poking his nose gently.

"He's a baby Y/N. He can't talk yet"

"Well he better start soon because it's hard trying to figure out what is wrong"

I kissed Remus' cheek and watched as he and Harry went into the dining room. Remus set Harry down on the dining room table and then cooed at the toddler. I smiled at the two before I began cleaning up Harrys things. Once I had, I sat down next to Remus and joined in the cooing of Harry. He might be a little monster but he's still an adorable baby

"Hey Rem" I whispered. I put Harry down for a nap as Remus came into the bedroom and put his arms around me from behind. Remus hummed against the back of my neck sending shivers down my spine. "Do you think he'll be more like Lily or more like James when he grows up?"

"James definitely. However he is going to have Lilys eyes" He said softly but with a cute smile.

"Oh that's going to be fun then. Another James, just what we all wanted" I rolled my eyes

Remus chuckled

"Do you think Lily and James will trust us after today?"

"Well nothing bad happened love so I don't see why they wouldn't." He said back

"I know it's just I want to babysit Harry more often"

I knew that a proud smirk had appeared on his face

"Shut up" I smiled and faced him. The smirk faded

"I didn't say anything." He stifled his cute laugh

"Well I know what you are thinking and I guess babysitting Harry isn't that bad"

"I knew that you would warm up to him." Remus took my hand and kissed me. "Let's leave this one to sleep peacefully."

I nodded and we walked out of the bedroom where the travel cot was set up. We went downstairs into the living room where Remus laid down on the couch and opened out his arms. I laid down on top of him, putting my hands around him neck as his arm slipped around my waist. I put my head on his chest and closed my eyes, my breathing settling calmly. Remus peppered a few kisses into my hair as both he and I fell asleep

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