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* "You can't actually be serious with that plan George" Fred whispered

"I am as serious as our mother" George whispered back

"Shush you two. Someone is coming. Quick pretend you are asleep"

"But we are all in the same bed. It would look weird" Fred grumbled

"No it won't. We have done it before. Now quick before they find us awake"

We threw the covers from over our head and laid down. I quickly turned off the flashlight I had brought with me and closed my eyes. I could hear the bedroom door open and heard Molly Weasley talking with someone. The door soon closed and the three of us shot up, turned on the flashlight and went back to the plan to try and sneak downstairs once everyone was asleep

"Y/N is the smallest. She will make the least amount of noise"

"You're the skinniest Freddie"

"No, I am the skinniest. Not big boy Fred over here"

"Lower your voices boys. Argue as much as you want but we are meant to be asleep" *

I smiled at the memory from when Fred, George and I were about six or seven. I smiled remembering how we pulled it off. How we made George pretend to be getting a glass of water while Fred and I gathered as many sweets as we possibly could. I remember that I had tripped up the stairs and that is how we got caught.

"Are you alright Y/N?" Ginny asked as she appeared in front of me with hers and Harrys youngest son, Albus, attached to her hip

"Hmm, oh yeah" I smiled back and stood from the couch. "Can I?"

"Of course"

She handed over Albus and I cuddled the toddler closely. He closed his eyes and he buried his head into my chest. I felt overwhelmed with emotions. The day was approaching rapidly. A day people celebrate but also mourn. The day we lost Fred. The day I lost my best friend.

"I think you should take him and put him to bed. I need to find George anyway" I said handing over the now deeply sleeping toddler. Once Ginny had secured him in her arms and walked off, I went to search the burrow for George. I found him in his and Freds old bedroom with his head buried into his hands.

"You're remembering him aren't you. I know I always am. Especially around this time of year " I said, my voice barely even audible. I sat down next to him and hugged him tightly

"Why did he have to be taken. The worse thing he ever did was play pranks and get detention. Why did he have to die?" George asked, breaking down into my arms

"I ask myself the same things Georgie, but I always remember how happy and cheerful Fred was. The joy he found in playing pranks. The way he would sneak up behind me and hug me"

"The way his laughter could fill a room with pure happiness"

"See, what else is there?"

"The times he would sneak out of detentions"

"Or drag us into Hogsmede in order to gather as many sweets from honeydukes as humanly possible"

"Remember out first year at hogwarts. The way you two fantasised over quidditch"

"I remember he panicked when the sorting hat almost put you in Ravenclaw. He was very happy when you were placed into Gryfinndor"

"I remember. He hugged me so tightly that my breath hitched in my throat"

George and I laughed as we remembered the amazing times we had spent with Fred. From small moments in the common room to the large gestures and big pranks he would pull on others. I let out a sigh of sadness but also of happiness. Fred was the most joyful and exciting person that I knew. Even in the last few minutes, seconds even of his life he was smiling and laughing.

"Do you have a favourite memory?" I asked. "You don't have to say it if you don't want to"

"Do you remember that night in the common room. A few days after Sirius Black had got into the castle. Fred decided we needed to lighten the mood and-"

"Began to play music and then began dancing"

* I had my head on Georges shoulder, a tired looking pout on my face. I wasn't tired, not one bit. I was scared. Terrified actually. A murderer had broken into our school and he was after one of my friends.

"I don't think I have ever seen you so glum Y/N" Fred commented as he sat next to me and hugged my waist. I lifted my head from Georges shoulder and hugged Fred back. His head was buried into my stomach and I could feel his breath going through the thin material of my pyjamas. I tightened the hug and soon George joined the two of us. I was sandwiched in a cuddle with my two favourite boys

"I think George got a little jealous there" I chuckled and kissed the boys both on the head. They both looked at me and smirked before sitting up

"We need to lighten the mood. I mean just look at Ginny. It looks as if she has has just been attacked by dementors" Fred stated, pointing at Ginny who had big bags under her eyes and slightly messy hair

"I'm not surprised. Most of us are scared. There is a killer on the loose"

"She's right Fred" Ron said with a sarcastic looking smile

"Shut it Ron. Let's see. What about music?"

"Honestly Fred are you ever sad or angry or scared"

"Constantly however I use laughter in order to calm it."

He seemed way to cheerful for the current situation but we all went along with it. He turned the radio on and pulled me from the couch. It was a muggle song I believe but yet again I am no genius when it comes to music

"Why me?" I whispered as he pulled my arms around his torso

"I can't exactly dance with Hermione and Ginny would refuse to dance with me so I only had one girl who I knew wouldn't refuse to dance with me, and that girl is you Y/N"

"I will only do this for you and George you know"

"I know" *

"You enjoyed yourself that night didn't you Georgie" I asked and hugged him tightly

"Fred enjoyed it more. He told me that night. He loved you Y/N"

"I love him as well Georgie"

George looked up at me with tears in his eyes. We slowly moved in closer and his slightly chapped lips pressed against mine. Our lips slowly moved together. The kiss slowly deepened and I moved so that my legs were straddling his lap. We pulled away to the sound of small footsteps running up the stairs

"I bet you that will be either Victorie or Louis" George chuckled. His warm breath hitting my collarbone. I chuckled back, placing small kisses under his ear before climbing off his lap and hugging him again. We laid down on his old bed in a warm cuddle.

Just as we almost fell asleep the door was opened. I looked up and saw Ron with a slight look of awkwardness and a big look of sadness on his face. George and I sat up, his arm draped around my shoulder

"Mum says that dinner is ready. She didn't know if you were staying or not Y/N so she made extra"

"No, I should go. I have a long day at St. Mungo's tomorrow"

"Please stay. I could use the support" George whispered in my ear and nuzzled his nose against my face gently

"Do you not mind?"

"Never, our mum is the more the merrier type. You should know that by now"

I smiled and we all walked down into the busy and loud kitchen/dining room. I intertwined my hand with George's and smiled up at him. He smiled back down at me before placing a kiss onto my lips and joining his family with eating.

Harry Potter character fluffs and smuts [Discontinued]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum