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James and I walked into the common room while gossiping and talking about the next full moon. We had decided that it was time only the boys went down. I was perfectly ok with that though since it ment I had extra time to study for my N.E.W.T's which were approaching quickly

We walked in and noticed that Sirius seemed to be jotting things down in a note pad. My note pad.

"Pads. How did you get my note pad and what are you doing with it?" I questioned and sat down next to him

"Not much just this" He said and showed me a collage of pictures of us. It was amazing. They were in order from the first one ever take of the two of us to the most recent one of the two of us

"Happy anniversary gorgeous. Two years ago today we went  on our first date"

I smiled and he gave me a kiss. I had brought him a gift as well so once we pulled away I jumped from the couch and went into the girls room. I was greeted by Lily and Marlene sqeauling

"What girls?"

"The gift you got for Sirius. That is so sweet"

"You found it!"

I snatched it from their hands and checked to see if anything was damaged.

"We wouldn't break it Y/N. Yes, we are jealous of your relationship but we wouldn't sabotage your gift"

I laughed and took the lid to the box from Marlenes hands and placed it back onto the box. I skipped down the steps and handed it to him. He carefully opened the black box and chuckled when he saw the watch and the black, leather wallet.

"For god sake Y/N. You really go the extra mile with gifts"

"Says you. You one upped me with that whole collage. Read the engraving"

He turned the watch over and smiled

'Happy anniversary you crazy, stupid, fluff ball who is filled with annoyance. I love you, xx'

"I love you too. Now come, follow me. I have a surprise for you" he said while putting the watch on his wrist and sliding the wallet into his jean pocket


Sirius stood and pulled me from the couch. He led me out of the common room and towards the quidditch pitch

"Sirius I love you but I am not getting on a broom while I'm wearing a skirt"

"No need to worry. You won't be getting on a broom"

We walked through the Gryfinndor changing room and right in the middle was a picnic blanket surrounded by candles, all glowing

"You're recreating our first date. Oh my god Sirius. This..this is amazing. I really do love you"

"I love you too. Now come, sit and eat"

We sat down on the blanket which still had the stain from when our first date on it. He had scared me and I spilt my drink.

We ate some food and then laid in a cuddle looking up at the stars. My arms around his torso and my head resting on his chest. I traced circles around his chest and he kissed my head lightly. A small radio behind us was playing some romantic music

"What's your favourite constellation?" I randomly asked and looked up from his chest

"Honestly I don't know any of them"

"Well now I know how much you listen to me on our dates up to the astrometry tower"

"We got tacky after our first couple of dates didn't we"

"We got lazy once we got comfortable with each other. Tacky was after the first time we said I love you"

"That sounds more accurate"

I chuckled and gave him a kiss. I sat up, straddled his lap and leaned down to kiss him again. We pulled away and he moved the strands of my hair that were falling in front of my face behind my ears and smirked. This night was sure to be one anniversary I could never forget


I opened the door and greeted Lily, James and baby Harry.

"My goodness he's grown so much" I exclaimed

"All he does is eat" Lily said and rolled her eyes

"Sounds like a typical boy. Can I?"

James nodded and I took Harry from his arms and tickled his chubby stomach. James walked into the living room to greet Sirius and Lily and I followed him

"You would make good parents you know"

"Not yet Lily"

I placed Harry on the floor and he began to play with some toys James had brought with them. Us four adults spoke and soon Harry had begun to babble at Sirius who picked him up and sat him on his lap. Harry was fascinated by Sirius' long hair and soon began to pull on it

"James!! Do something it hurts"

"He'll stop soon"

"I don't think he will. Ow, he definitely has a lot of you in him Prongs"

Harry eventually stopped and crawled onto my lap. Sirius wrapped his arm around my shoulder and kissed my head as I played with the mischievous toddler. He was an exact replica of James only with Lilys envious green eyes.

"Who's my favourite boy in the whole world?" I cooed and immediately felt the arm that had been resting on my shoulder raise into the air. "Sirius put your hand down"

He did but with a huff. Lily and James burst out laughing and Harry let out the cutest giggle

After a day full of laughter and mostly me obsessing over how cute Harry is, Lily and James left. Sirius wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck

"Are you sure that we shouldn't have a baby?"

"We've only just got married Padfoot. As much as I would love to have a baby with you, I don't think we are ready yet. It's a big change in a couples life"

"I think we are ready. The way you care for Harry makes me believe that we are"

"I think we should just stick to just caring for Harry for now. By the way. I love you"

"Love you too"

Harry Potter character fluffs and smuts [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now