Fred-on a break

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I ran down the halls of Hogwarts, holding back tears. I ran into the library but he wasn't there. I ran into the great hall but he wasn't there and he wasn't even in the usual places he and George would sell their ingenious products. Last place he could possibly be that made sense was the Gryfinndor common room so I ran there.

"George!" I gasped, trying to get my breath back. "H-have you seen Fred?"

"Y/N, you didn't know? He's being cornered and grilled by your brother and his goons" George said, allowing Lee and another one of their friends to go on into the common room

"W-what, w-where" I asked, still trying to get my breath back.

"Ugh, two floors down, along the corridor and then a le-" it was going to get getting complicated, I could tell. I grabbed him by the hand and started dragging him back down the stairs, a scoff coming from the fat lady portrait who had been waiting for him to enter

"Just show me ok George" I said as we stepped off the moving staircase. He nodded and grabbed my hand, taking the lead and showing me where Fred was currently trying to fight off Draco and Pansy. Crabbe and Goyle are way to dumb to be able to even pronounce a spell correctly let alone be able to cast one correctly so they just stood there watching

"STOP!" I yelled, sending a spell towards Draco, Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle. They all froze and stopped what they were doing. I walked towards Fred and hugged him. "I'm sorry Freddie. Daphne went behind my back and told Draco that we were dating. I knew I shouldn't have trusted her but I still did. I'm such an idiot"

"No you aren't Y/N. We all put our faith and trust in the wrong people sometimes, don't worry" he said, wrapping his arms around my waist and placing his hands on my lower back. I placed my hand on his chest and looked up into his eyes only to quickly look away

"F-Fred, Draco is going to tell my parents heck he probably has already told them and if he has then they are going to kill me" I said, tearing up. I heard George shuffle away awkwardly and Fred pulled me into an empty classroom. "Fred I think we should-"

"Y/N please don't tell me you are about to say we should break up." Fred cut me off

"Freddie just listen to me please."

"Y-Y/N I love you"

"Saying you love me isn't going to change the fact that my family is going to kill me. You know what they will think at us. I mean Draco merely heard we were dating and almost killed you. I don't care if they kill me, it's you I am worried about because if I know my parents, especially my father then it will be you and your family who they come after next and I can't let that happen." I said as I began leaving. I let go of his hand at the last second and tears fell down my cheeks. "I'm sorry Freddie" I whispered as I turned and left

"Y/N" Fred called after me but I was to caught up in my emotions that I didn't turn

"Eyes up Y/N." Astoria whispered as we walked past Fred, George and Lee. "Eyes up, look forward and don't pay attention to them. They aren't worth it ok, they are just pathetic Gryfinndors"

I followed her instructions, lifting my head proudly, moving me look away from them and strutting down the halls along with the girls. I immediately felt guilty that I was ignoring Fred but I also didn't want him or his family to get hurt because of me and my stupid family. Of course I have to pay for being their daughter. Of course I have to be the one who fell in love with a Gryfinndor and a Weasley to make matters worse

"Y/N" Fred whispered, catching up to the girls and I. The rest of my friends scoffed and strutted away, beckoning me to follow. I told them I would be there in a second

"What" I spat

"I don't care if your family hates the fact you date me. I love you an-"

"I don't want to hear it Fred. Ok so you may not care if my family hates the fact we date and I may not care with the fact that they might kill me it's brother and my father like getting their way so there is a chance that your family is hurt and I love your family. They are so sweet and caring so if I found our they had been hurt because of a relationship I-I don't think I could handle it"

"Y/N, my parents and my family are strong. They could beat your family in a duel any offence" He said, placing a hand on my arm. I chuckled and looked at him. It's true, the Weasleys could win a duel against my family any day and win. But I still didn't find it fair with the fact he would have to put his family in danger to go out with me. That's not right. "Y/N can we forget about the fact your family hates mine and just continue. Imagine all the Freddie hugs you are going to miss"

"Don't do this to me Fred" I scolded gently. He knew the certain things about our old relationship that just made me melt. I saw him grin. He knew I was trying to resist it

"Imagine all the forehead and head kisses you are going to miss. The free pranking equipment. The long walks down to Hogsmede because we are too caught up in the others features"


"The glances at breakfast, lunch and dinner. The inside jokes that will forever confuse people. The long night talks in the Gryfinndor common room while we stuff our faces with food and pour our hearts out about classes, professors, our families an-"

I cut him off with a kiss. He smiled into it and and arm slithered around my waist. The three books that had been in my hand fell to the floor and I placed mine on the back of his neck. I pulled away and hugged him

"F*ck my family. I just want to be with you Fred" I whispered

"And I just want to be with you"

"Y/N!" Pansy screeched from down the halls. She stormed towards us and grabbed me by the hand, ripping me from Freds comforting arms

"I love you" I yelled as she dragged me down the halls after having picked up my books

"I love you too" Fred yelled back with a cheeky grin that I loved. I don't care what people say or what my parents will say. I have Fred Weasley and that makes me the luckiest girl in the entire world

Harry Potter character fluffs and smuts [Discontinued]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora