♔︎ 𝐢.

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"...Just stop your crying
Have the time of your life
Breaking through the atmosphere
And things are pretty good from here "

Chapter I

16 year old Charity Colett. Just about one of the most beloved, beautiful Socs in Tulsa Oklahoma. Everyone around her admired her. Wanted to BE her. She had everything. Beauty, she was extremely rich, an amazing family with two sisters. I mean, she even had Fame and popularity. It was rare to meet someone who thought negative of Charity or disliked her. Even GREASERS admired her whether it was for HER or for her looks. Regardless, she was still loved either way. She was just an admirable, sweet person like that. Theres only ever been one person she knew of that couldn't stand her. A greaser.

Johnny's pov:
As i settled into french class with Pony, i could almost smell the pleasant aroma of expensive perfume. Most likely, of course Charity. I'll admit, she was quite beautiful. But i-i could never bring myself to be able to tolerate her. Her family, her expensive clothes and just EVERYTHING. I dunno. It always reminds me of how i have nothing and i guess just makes me sad sometimes.

"Man. She sure looks pretty today." I heard pony say with his head leaning on his hand. I smirked. "Don't be daydreamin' now ponyboy."

"What? Still can't stand her? Ya know, she's a nice person johnnycake."

"Sure. Have YOU talked to her?" I raised my eyebrow.

"N-no.. but i've heard around. You know i wouldn't talk to a soc girl as pretty as her with how shy i am."

"You ought'a know it pony." I said keeping my head down as we both got notebooks and papers out for class.

"Okay class, today we're going to go into groups so just sit back until i call your names and then find your partners." Me and pony looked at each other as she called group names, hoping we would be put together with some other greaser or somethin'.

"Anothony, Scott and Paul, you're the first group.
Daniel, Lori and Nancy you're the second group..."

As she got closer to the list of our names, i knew mine, pony's and whoever else's names was coming up.
"Johnny, and.. Charity. You'll be partners since it looks like Timothy isn't here." I swear just then, my day was ruined in a matter of a few minutes.
Pony looked at me with wide eyes. "Gosh Johnny... good luck man.."
charity walked over, sitting in front of me. "Uh.. hi Johnny—"

"Uh uh Mademoiselle (miss)Colett, you must introduce yourselves in french. This is french review for the test. Got it?" The teacher said stopping Charity.

"Oui.." she said quietly followed by a small giggle.
"Uh.. Bonjour, je suis la Charity (hello, i am Charity) .. i-i forget the rest.." as she nervously scratched her head, i pulled my notes out looking over them for only a second.
"J'ai seize ans (i am sixteen years old)" i said looking at her. I usually was always alone during class or worked with pony so i was always studying french and doing my homework and all that. I was pretty great at remembering and speaking it too, i just don't show it off to people. "Wow Johnny. So you really know french huh" she smiled. "I guess so.. lets keep working." And so we did. The rest of the class period was mainly me speaking in french and re-teaching some stuff that the teacher had already taught her. I didn't blame her for not getting it, french was tough to understand and learn. And before we knew it, class was already over.
"Good work students. remember to study good tonight, test will be tomorrow! You're loss if you don't study, so I recommend it!" By now half the class was already packed up, and so was i. I wanted to get out of school as fast as possible, especially after today and having to re-teach everything to Miss Soc. That was, before she stopped me. "Johnny, wait! Uhm.. i wanted to thank you for reviewing everything for me.. i hate to ask you to take up your time but i really have to pass this class.. could you help me study for the test?? Maybe later in the library or something?" She said. She was still sitting down, waiting for her friends maybe. Her big brown eyes pouted as she looked up at me holding her head up with her arm. I really didn't want to, but then again, i wasn't planning on doing anything later and we would both get some studying in so... " uh.. okay.. yeah i'll be there at 5pm.." i said nervously. Even though i didn't like her, i still wanted to be nice. I wasn't a mean person like that. "Great! Thank you so much!" And there she was, running off to her friends. I'd be surprised if she actually showed up for studying.

Thanks for reading the first chapter!
Stay gold 💛

>> song lyrics above: Harry Styles- Sign of the Times<<

Word amount: 883

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