♔ 𝐱𝐯𝐢𝐢.

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"...Oh, you've been dreamin' 'bout it
And I'm what you want
So stop thinkin' 'bout it "

Oh, you've been dreamin' 'bout itAnd I'm what you wantSo stop thinkin' 'bout it "

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Chapter XVII
Charity's pov:

"How can you get suspended Charity! Let alone, BULLY someone! Especially if that someone is Alexander." My dad was already scolding me just as we walked through the door of my house. "Did the principal even tell you the full, TRUE story?! You wanna hear it?? Fine! Alex and his little 'soc gang' has been Harassing My friends, including johnny, he's been catcalling me all around and then he wants to curse me out! And then today when i tried to eat lunch with my friends i saw then harassing Johnny and Pony even more! I tried to get involved only with Johnny but then he hit my lunch tray out of my hand and slapped my right across the face, but i guess you were too caught up the one horrible mistake i've made in my life to even notice or care about what really happened or what happened to me. Or Johnny. Or anyone!" I yelled at them. I had never spoken to them in any way but respect. Today though, i just couldn't handle it. My mom looked at me in sorrow, i could tell she was regretting her thoughts on the situation. "Go to your room charity." My dad sighed, rubbing the inner creases of his eyes in a stressed manner. I huffed quietly, rolling my eyes as i was turned around so they wouldn't see my annoyance at them. When i got to my room, i laid on my bed putting my face in my pillow. After a while, and after i cooled off a little, i wen't to my desk and started doodling. Art and drawing has always been a therapeutic thing for me. I heard a small knock on my door. "Come in." I said in a monotone voice. "What're you drawing, hun?" My mom said coming over to me with a faint smile. "I dunno.. i just drew whatever came to my mind." I chuckled. "Its great. As all your art is." She smiled, patting my shoulder. "I wanted to talk about your situation. About Alex hitting you. I want you to know, i talked about it with his parents and he will be given.. lets say not so great consequences. And.. i want able to talk the principle into moving your suspension to three days instead of five. I would have tried to remove your suspension, but.. well you did also hit him, and you had a right to, but things happen and there's a consequence for it. Okay?" She told me as she moved a stay piece of hair away from my eye. "Okay.. i'll be fine i guess." I said going back to drawing. "Well, you aren't in trouble with us, you know that right? You did the right thing. Just like with Johnny. Standing up for yourself or other people nay make you look like a bad guy, but only the people that truly know you, know you are an amazing person who stands up for what she thinks is right and wrong. I'm always proud of you Charity." Hearing her say that honestly.. made my day better. Maybe she was right. Everyone else can think what they want, but only the people around me know that i would never be a bully. I stand up for people from real bullies who are bad people. "Thanks Mom." I have her a soft smile as she walked out the door. A little bit later i sat up from drawing to see Johnny walking into my room. "Hey.. how was.. the rest of school?" I asked looking down. "Boring.. without you obviously." He nervously chuckled. "What did the principle say to you guys?"
"Well there's good news. Alexander is no longer a student at Will Rogers High School" he grinned happily as i did too. "Yeah, mid way through her yelling at us, she got a call from your mom and heard the whole story and even brought out his real school record in front of all of us! Stealing from people, cheating on important exams, bullying, coming to school drunk, bringing drugs to school, and even more!! it was hilarious. Oh, and Bob got suspended for 3 weeks but me and Pony got ZERO punishment since we didn't do anything so thats good.." he slowed down as he realized how much he was talking. I let out an excited squeal "YES! Thats great!! I have to thank my mom later.. oh i also have good news: my mom was able to talk her in to giving me a three day suspension instead of 5 days so i'll be back sooner!" I smiled at him gleefully. "That's great Charity. I'm glad you're happier.. it made me real worried when u were crying earlier.." he said not gazing away from my red cheek. "I know. Im sorry i was just so overwhelmed by everything. My cheeks okay. It looks worse than it actually is." I told him as he quietly sighed in relief. "Good. Can't wait to have you back. Today in french, i had to be partners with That Cherry Valance. She wasn't really rude or anything, but— geez does she pay attention at ALL in class??" We both laughed.

"Eh. She was my least favorite in our group. I mean, the woman's dating BOB SHELDON." I scoffed as Johnny chuckled. We continued to talk as Johnny brought out a box of candy. We laughed, and even threw the candy up in the air attempting to catch it into our mouths, and just had a good ol' time. Maybe today wouldn't end so horribly.

Thanks for reading!
Stay gold 💛

>> Song lyrics above: Khalid - Talk <<

Word count: 970

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