♔ 𝐱.

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"...The night we met I knew I needed you so
And if I had the chance I'd never let you go
So won't you say you love me
I'll make you so proud of me
We'll make 'em turn their heads every place we go"

Chapter X

"So what you wanna talk about?" Johnny asked after walking a while without talking. "Well, you seem to be close with uh.. Dallas? Is it?"i said slowly. "Oh yeah.. Dally. He's sorta the person i look up to. You have one of them? Ya know, a person you admire?" He said with a glimmer in his eye.
"Yeah of course. I think everyone does. Mine is oddly my little sister. Me and her are oddly extremely close.. she's always wanting to hang out with me and listening to all my problems.. if i'm crying she gets real sad and hugs me foreverrr.. or if im super happy, she'll get all happy and jumpy and make me laugh a whole bunch. She's always there for me and being so positive about our relationship together and just life in general. She's great and i admire her for that."
I was smiling big just dozing off into space, realizing i was going on and on about her. I saw Johnny staring at me with a small smile. "Wow.. thats really nice actually.. wish i had a sibling like that.."

"Well, at least you have the gang right? And of course Dally.. you talk to him about all your problems?" I grinned
"Yeah somethin' like that. Me and Dally sorta just relate on everything though.. he doesn't really have a family besides me and the gang. He stays at a friends place. His parents fight a lot too.." he looked down. I quickly tried to change the subject so it didn't make him any more sad. "Im sorry... he sounds like a good person."
"You'd be wrong about that. He was thrown in jail when he was 10 years old. He steals and lies a lot. He's done a lot of bad stuff but.. he's survived through it all. He's real tuff." He said admiring Dally more.

"You okay Johnny?" He was holding onto his shoulder as if it hurt a lot, slightly wincing at the pain. "Im alright.. just hurts a little."
"Well it's a good thing we're at my house." He stopped with his mouth wide open. "This is your house—??" He stood there.

I laughed at how surprised he was at the sight of my house

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I laughed at how surprised he was at the sight of my house. It was quite big, which i didn't LOVE because there was always SO much space. But i was grateful for this kind of house more than anything. It was my home and has always been since i was born. "this is my house.." i chuckled. As we walked up to the door, he was still looking around everything surprised at how big it was compared to what he usually saw or was used to. "CC! You're finally home!" My little sister, Diana, said running up to me with a big hug. "Hi sweetheart..." Mom said looking at Johnny. "Who is this CC?" Diana said looking up at Johnny. By now, my Mom, Dad, and siblings were looking at Johnny. He had a slight blood stain on his shoulder from where his dad hit him that soaked through to his jacket and looked extremely nervous now. He had told me he's usually super scared around socs. He got jumped really bad by a group of socs a while back and has been scared ever since.
"Guys, this is my friend Johnny. You don't know him because we sorta just became friends, but.. i brought him here because something happened to him and he's hurt and need's help like now." My mom nodded her head slowly, leading him to our kitchen. She removed his jacket, then moved part of his shirt, exposing his bloody, bruised shoulder. She put rubbing alcohol on the cuts and cleaned off the blood finishing off with some bandaging. I watched as he was clearly in a huge amount of pain but didn't say anything. Even though my mom was extremely gentle on him and his wound, you could tell he wanted to cry and i didn't blame him. After Mom was finished she led me out of the kitchen and into a different room to talk. I knew what she wanted to talk about too. Why i brought a greaser into her home. I sheepishly looked at her. "So.. want to explain the boy and what happened?" She sat down next to me on the chair. "Well.. we we're just walking, he was gonna walk me home and then go to his house but before we got here, we passed his house and he heard his parents fighting and glass throwing and stuff like that and so he went in to see what was happening and when he tried to figure out what was happening, his dad hit him really hard with a beer bottle and i didn't want to leave him hurt so i brought him here... I'm sorry.." i explained to her as her facial expression went from normal to shocked and sad. "Sorry for what dear? You did the right thing getting him out of there and getting him help. Im guessing he doesn't have a place to stay?" She questioned. As i shook my head 'No' slowly, she sighed loudly. "Well i couldn't be able to sleep at night knowing a child who gets abused by his parents is sleeping god knows where so.. you can tell him he's welcome to stay here as long as he needs." My face lit up with happiness, knowing he would be okay wouldn't have to face his parents or sleep outside. "Thank you soo much mother!! I'll tidy up the guest room then help you with dinner!" I said as i hugged her, hearing her sweetly chuckle. "Good. You go do that. Your little sister isn't the best cook, don't tell her i said that." She laughed pointing her finger up to her mouth. "I won't!"

I ran to johnny quickly, smiling big. "W-whats up?" He asked smiling cautiously. "First before we get into this, lets go to my room real quick." I pointed upstairs. I could tell he was confused. I'm hoping he would be ecstatic about having a place to eat and sleep and just relax and stuff when i told him. "How come you're so happy?"
"What, i can't be happy?" I sarcastically grinned.
"N-no.. you can.. you just look extra happy.."
"Well.. IM happy about this but im not sure how you will feel about it so I'm just gonna say it. I know it's a huge change and probably nerve-racking for you, but my mom wants to welcome you into our home since i had to tell her about everything.."
His face lit up immediately after i said that. "Y-you told h-her...?"
"I had to.. she saw my wrist.." i lied.
He didn't sound as ecstatic as i was hoping.. i figured he felt upset or something.
"I-is it okay? That you stay here? We just want to keep you safe.. and y-you can leave anytime you want to, we just wanna keep you here until everything cools down and you're healed. The rest is up to you, whether you wanna keep staying here or not.."  i said nervously looking around my room. "I-i couldn't stay in your home.. i would just be another mouth to feed and another kid to look after i would feel horrible to do that to you and your family—" he said shaking his head slowly.
"No..no johnny! Thats the last thing we would ever think of you! Really, it's absolutely NO problem, especially with me if you stay here. We even have a whole guest bedroom we've never had a use for and we have plenty of food. And heck.. you need this whole house and food and bed more than anyone here! Please? Me and my mom would feel awful if we just let you leave to go sleep on some cold hard ground." I explained as he finally agreed to resting here. "O-okay.. i'll just stay here a couple of days until it heals.. no longer than that i promise.." as we both smiled largely at each other. "Wanna help make dinner? Me and my mom can show you some of the simple stuff!" I asked. "S-sure" he laughed. And so we both made our way downstairs to make one of my favorite meals.

Ahh this is my longest chapter so far 👀🥳 hope you enjoyed heheh
Thanks for reading!
Stay gold bb's 💛

Ahh this is my longest chapter so far 👀🥳 hope you enjoyed heheh°。°。°。°。°。°。°。゜。°。°。°。Thanks for reading! Stay gold bb's 💛~haley~

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>> Song lyrics above: The Ronettes - Be My Baby <<

Word Count: 1484 !

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