♔︎ 𝐱𝐢𝐢.

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"...I had all and then most of you
Some and now none of you
Take me back to the night we met "

Chapter XII
Johnny's Pov:

Today was probably the greatest days i've had in almost.. well a LONG long time. The last time i was with a REAL family or was apart of one was when i was 9 years old. Back then my parents used to be normal parents. They would take me to the park and my dad would play catch or football with me while my mom got out the sandwiches she made for us to have a picnic. Back then they wouldn't lay a single finger on me. Now, that's all they know. They're broken now. And even though i'm not related to Charity or her family, ( thank god ) i have to admit, i do really like it here. I already love her sisters, especially Diana. She's just so adorable.
And i really like her mom too.. despite her being a Super powerful soc around here, she's really sweet.
I just couldn't get earlier out of my head. What had happened with Charity and my parents. I hated that was how she met them. I just couldn't get her face when my idiot dad grabbed her out of my head. She looked terrified and that made me sad. I don't know why she want's to still even be seen with me.
I looked at the alarm clock as it read 1:54am. I couldn't sleep at all, but i also couldn't get Charity out of my head for some reason. I did probably a really stupid thing, but i walked to Charity's room and knocked on her door ever so gently, making sure i didn't attract too much noise. I didn't expect her to answer the door but, to my surprise, she did. "Johnny? What are you doing up this late?" She said rubbing her eyes. Gosh.. she looked beautiful even if she did just wake up.. the way her cheeks were naturally rosy and how her hair hung in messy strands over her oversized blue-ish long sleeve shirt. She was almost mesmerizing. "I uh.. i can't sleep.. but i can go back to bed, i can see you were sleeping—"
"No don't go! I was actually just about to get up to get some water.. want some then we can maybe talk or something until we get tired?" She said quietly, looking at me. I nodded my head and began to walk downstairs. She picked up two glasses and filled them with water. "So anything in specific keeping you up?" She said as we walked back upstairs into her room. "W-well i guess... y-you?" She looked at me shocked. " oh? What about me..?" She asked setting her glass down. That you're the reason i can't sleep. The person that's been on my mind all day and night. "J-just about today and all.. i'm sorry you had to meet my parents like that. They used to be great people and good parents. But i don't know. I guess every year i grew up, the more they would fight or drink or whatever. Maybe they just wanted a child instead of a teenage greaser piece of trash like me..." i said looking down.

"Johnny! Don't say that about yourself! You're nothing more than a human. Sure you have tough life problems, but that doesn't mean it makes you trash! You're life has just as much meaning than anyone else's, so why not live the best of it? You have great people in your life like your gang, Dally.. if i was Dally, or your parents or your friends, i would be damn proud of you and the amazing guy you've turned out to be despite all the troubles in your life. In fact, i AM proud of you for living through it all and im sure everyone else is too. So please. Don't call yourself a piece of trash.." i was shocked at her little speech. No one has ever told me they were proud of me nor praised and complimented me as much as she did, and has been. "Wow.. i don't know what to say.."

"You don't have to say anything. That whole thing just needed to be said." She smiled. "I do have a question though.. how come you still wan't to be my friend and all even after i yelled at you like i did a couple days ago?" I asked.
"Eh, it was hardly anything but the truth, really. Plus you were right. I thought about it a lot after that and i shouldn't have taken all the great stuff i have for granted like money and family and friends. Stuff like that because people like you struggle with that kind of stuff and it was insensitive of me to take advantage of it all. So thank you actually, for yelling at me" she smiled brightly. Her smiles make me weak sometimes, i swear.
"Well i wouldn't exactly say your welcome but.. im glad you think of it that way" we both laughed. For the first time, i really genuinely admired her face. Her inner personality. Everything. She sure wasn't the person i took her to be. It felt like i was staring at her forever, but.. it wasn't awkward.. just peaceful. Nice. "Uh.. i'm gonna head to bed now bu thanks for staying up and talking.." i slightly smiled and turned around to leave the room just before i felt her hands tap my shoulder. As soon as i turned to her she went in for a hug. " im sorry about today. And about your parents. You're the last person who should be treated wrongfully and hurtfully. Life will catch up to be better though. I know it will, Johnny." She said smiling to me again. "I ... " i just pulled her into another hug feeling her hug tightly. "Well, goodnight Johnny. Sleep well. You need it." She said to me walking back to her bed. "You too"

I had butterflies in my stomach as soon as i left her room. I've never felt this around ANYONE let alone a girl. It couldn't have meant anything right?

Thanks for reading!
Stay gold bb's 💛

°。°。°。°。°。°。°。゜。°。°。°。Thanks for reading!Stay gold bb's 💛~Haley~

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>> song lyrics above: Lord Huron - The Night We Met <<

Word count: 1057

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