♔ 𝐱𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐯

155 7 0

" But I can't help it
I'm falling for you
And I can't quit it
'Cause I'm stuck on you
And it might be pathetic and you might be skeptical
But I just want to be with you "

One week later.



"I don't want to feel this way anymore." Johnny cried out. "Don't say that, we'll get through this!"

I watched as his bruised face turned away from me, wincing his eyes letting one last tear fall. The doctor came in taking him away.

"No, don't!" I reached my hand out, but he was already gone. I fell to me knees—


"Charity! Breakfast!" I woke up to the brightness of the sun, closing my eyes once again, not wanting to be blinded by the light.

I went to rub my eyes, feeling they were.. damp?

I had been crying in my sleep. I can't remember much, but i had some kind of nightmare. It had to be pretty bad for me to cry. I shrugged it off, putting on a white dress with a small baby pink cardigan, and put my hair in a ponytail, slightly curling the ends of my hair.

"I think i have cheerleading meets again tonight. Am i cool to go?" I asked my mom and dad while putting almond spread on my toast.

"Of course. But.. i wan't someone walking you home after. A friend, Johnny, i don't care." My mom said. I knew why, and i wasn't going to argue with her.

"Well, it's already 7, i better get going now if i wanna get to Pony's. Love you all!" I put the toast in between my mouth, wrapping my arms around mom and dad.

"Love you, have a good day!"


I glided my shoes against the sidewalk, kicking a few rocks along the way. Soon, i made it to Pony's. I could see Darry working on the yard, Dally and Johnny talking and throwing a football to each other, and Pony reading a book on the stair steps.

"Hey guys" i waved.

Johnny passed the football back to Dally, walking over to me as i gave him a sweet hug, just like i always did.

"You ready, Ponyboy?" Johnny asked as Pony picked up his backpack.

"Ready as i'll ever be!"

~~ Time skip til after school </3 ~

Me, Pony, and Johnny walked out of the school, talking and laughing.

"Do you guys mind walking me after cheer meet? My parents don't want me going basically anywhere alone anymore after... well, you know.." i looked down.

" 'Course. it's friday, you can stay out, right Pony? We could stay with you while you do your meet and then walk around, yeah?" Johnny suggested.

Me and Pony shrugged in agreement. "Sounds good!"


Cheer was boring as usual. I don't know why we were even having meets if we're not actually doing anything cheer related, but at least it's finally over.

I picked up my stuff, walking towards Johnny and Pony who were paying for some snacks in the snack machine.

"About time you came back, you were gone for like Ever." Pony said, opening up his soda.

I scoffed. "It was like an hour!"

We all laughed, walking out of this school once more.


Where did we plan on going? That was unknown. It's already at least 7, and getting dark out, but i wasn't worried. Chances are, if anything happens, Pony and Johnny have switchblades for protection. But... i'm gonna NOT think about that.

We walked a little further on the east side of town, until Pony spotted a park, and fountain.

We were already here and walking around so there was no big deal. Only thing to worry about was how cold it was getting, especially for me, being in a cheer skirt and shirt/jacket.

Hope you enjoyed!
𝓼𝓽𝓪𝔂  𝓰𝓸𝓵𝓭

Song lyrics above: Falling For You - Peachy

Word count: 647

𝐟𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐝  ✔︎ 𝐣𝐨𝐡𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang