~Present time, Chapter 2~

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Kirishima's POV:

I received my test results from the last test we took, I was so scared to look I haven't really been paying attention in class, despite my fear I look at the paper ".. 49%?!" I put my head on my desk and hit it a few times "I'm gonna fail, I'm gonna fail, I'm gonna fail-". Someone flicks the side of my head and they speak "Oi shitty hair, have you gone mad?!" I immediately recognized that voice.

Bakugo's POV:

I flick the side of Shitty hair's face he looks possessed he was just hitting his head on his desk like a douche, I crouched down to the side of his desk and say "Oi shitty hair, have you gone mad?!". He turns his head to face me and I have my normal scowl on my face, he just looks at me then starts to be overdramatic "Bakubro I literally failed this test I'm never gonna pass" I chuckle a little bit "you dumbass did you even study?!"

3rd person

The red-headed male complained to the angry blond about how he was gonna fail, Bakugo had just asked if he even studied "... No" said the male "THAT'S WHY YOU FAILED YOU, IDIOT!". He then wacks the back of Kirishima's head with his hand, "Owwww what was that for man" said the human shark rubbing his head "For Being dumb" said the blond

"Will you help me study Bakubro?"




"Pretty please with a cherry on top?"

"Ugh! If I say yes will you shut the fuck up?!"


"Fine, my dorm 7:00"

"Alrighty bro" the boy smiled then left for the dorms, it was currently 6:09 so he had plenty of time to chill and just hang out with the rest of the bakusquad. He made his way over to Mina's dorm because he knew that's where Denki And Sero hung out just chilling and playing Minecraft.

He opens the door and See's Mina and Denki playing Mario kart this time, Denki was yelling because he just made his way into first place then Mina used her blue shell "WHAT?!!" Said Pikachu "HAHA TAKE THAT MANN," said the pink girl. "Hey guys," Said Kirishima everyone turned around and greeted him, they all hung out for a bit then Mina decided to speak "Sooo Kiri," Says the female "yea?" Kirishima replies "when you gonna ask Bakugo out??" She says with a smug look on her face.


"You heard me Mann" she replies Snickering

"Yeah man it's quite obvious you like blasty" Says Pikachu

"I-i don't know what you're talking about!" Says Kiri

"Come on admit it you like him!!" Mina wasn't going down without a fight she knew the boys had feelings for each other.


"OK! I do have a small crush on him" says shark boi

"HAHA, I KNEW IT," they all say in sync, "don't go telling him tho guys!" Said Kirishima very flustered "we won't but if you take too long to confess we will," Said Mina, Sero, and Denki nodding in agreement. He looks at his watch and See's the time "I gotta go guys see you later" he gets up and walks out

Le time skip

Bakugo is in his room looking at his phone waiting for Kirishima to show up, he scrolls through the pictures he and Kiri had Taken one day... Well more like Kiri had stolen his phone and took pictures, He chuckles at the memory. "Dumb Kirishima," he says with a smile on his face, There's a knock on the door and bakugo yells "COME IN" Kirishima opened the door and walked in smiling at Bakugo.

Bakugo sat up and turned his phone off "Ok what do you need help with weird hair?" He says getting his textbooks "Um.. everything that involves math-" said the redhead. "Oh my God you're fuckin hopeless" Said bakugo

2 hours later

Kirishima had his head down on Bakugo's desk he had fallen asleep a few minutes, bakugo Being bakugo tried to wake him up but failed. He looked at him with a soft smile "You're so adorable Kirishima" He said aloud, "wait what?!" He said in his head "no no no he's just an extra! He's just another stepping stool to your success!"... "Is he really though?" Bakugo brushed a few strains of hair out of Kirishima's face and just looked at him. A small blush had made its way onto Bakugo's face "ugh wake up shitty hair!" He pushed Kirishima to wake him up "43!" The red-haired male said "tch go back to your dorm and get some sleep" Kiri nodded and went off to his dorm.

Bakugo lay in bed that night thinking about Kirishima not knowing his own feelings for the male he just assumed it was anger. He eventually fell asleep thinking about the red-haired shark boi :3

~Chapter 2 is complete! Ah yes! Writing when you should be sleeping! It's the highlight of my morning xD, well I hope you enjoyed and please let me know what you guys Thought of it adios have a wonderful night day, and or afternoon ♥️~

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