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A/n: If you decide to listen to the music above, do it with headphones! Best experience 😌✋

Waking up Kirishima smiled, today's the day! Today is the day he was going to take the final test, was he nervous? Yes. He knew if he messed up once, just once, he could kiss away his dream of being a pro hero. Getting up excitedly he took a shower and got dressed, he had so many emotions happening at once he was so excited and yet so scared. 

After he finished doing his hair he walked out of his room he walked over to Bakugo's. Knocking on the door Kirishima stood there happily waiting for Bakugo to open, "Coming!" Bakugo said on the other side of the door. after a minute or two, the door opened and Kirishima jumped into Bakugo's arms and hugged him, "Ready for today?!" He said hugging Bakugo tightly. Grinning Bakugo hugged Kirishima back "You bet I fucking am!" He said smiling.

They had started to walk to the gym, Aizawa had said to meet there because that is when the test would start. Now no one knew which hero they would get, they didn't have time to prepare and that was the whole point.

Deku however, although, he didn't know who he was getting he knew that he still had a chance with all the knowledge he's gathered over the years.

"Alright, so here's who you'll be fighting!" Aizawa said in his tired voice as he started to name off who would get who, "Izuku Midoryia, Mt lady" Deku's face lit up 'Mt lady was still a new hero! Three years since her first debut, yes, but she was still new and therefore I've managed to gather easy information on her!' Deku thought. "Eijiro Kirishima, Present Mic, the other pro hero we had assigned for you couldn't make it but try your best anyway" he flipped a page and said the last name. "Katsuki Bakugo, Best Jeanist "

(I had to do it to him, man- 😂)

Bakugo's face turned into an instant scowl, he hated Best Jeanist if he were to pick a different Intern he would've. Covering his mouth to silence his laughter Kirishima gave Bakugo a thumbs up "You can do it" he said quietly to his boyfriend, bakugo smiled as he nodded.

"Okay this is how it'll work, You'll get placed in a different area of the arena and once you hear the 'start' you may begin. The heroes are allowed to do anything, from attacking to fleeing hiding to combat. Anything, your goal is to pin your opponent and tie their hands up"  Aizawa said as he went around and handed everyone rope.

As they walked to their assigned arena Kirishima squeezed Bakugo's hand "Good Luck" He says as he walks away, Bakugo smiled and walked forward.

Kirishima walked in and stood there waiting, he was had just adjusted his headpiece when he heard the 'start!'  Kirishima looked around he didn't see Present Mic anywhere, he started walking keeping his guard up. "HEYYYYYYYY!!!". Kirishima fell over putting his hand on his ears, Present Mic was seen in the distance. He had his normal smile on his face, Kirishima got up with his ears still covered and ran towards Mic.


As soon as Bakugo heard the start, he felt something slither around his leg, he looked down and saw blue-ish strings wrap around his left leg. He used his quirk to burn them off as he jumped back "Ah If it isn't my old intern" Best Jeanist said as he sent more strings at bakugo only for the living bomb to dodge them. "Improved any since I last saw you? I see your hair is still a wreck" He said in a hopeless tone. 

Bakugo didn't say anything he wanted to focus, strategize, maybe even see his plan out till the end. "I see your insufferable yelling has stopped," He said as he tried to use Bakugo's own clothes against him but, to his disapproval, no strings appeared. Bakugo smirked and made an explosion to distract as he ran the opposite way  "No denim to work with?" 

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