Deku's feelings

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A/N: this chapter is the same day as the previous chapter just in Deku's POV, this whole chapter will be in Deku's POV!!

Walking home from school that day was rough... I had so many thoughts on my mind, then again when do I not have anything on my mind? my relationship with Todoroki ended before it even started.. we dated for about two weeks then he decided he didn't like me anymore which hurt me, I was trying to move on from my childhood crush and I thought that dating other people would distract me.. Turing the corner away from the school I walk past him.. the guy I've longed for since childhood the fiery ash-blonde guy named Bakugo Katsuki or as I like to call him Kacchan... He and Kirishima had been together for a long time now, they seem really happy especially Kacchan holding Kirishima's hand smiling brightly with him laughing, everything I wish I could do with Kacchan someone else was experiencing, walking past the two with my head down never felt so hurtful hearing the laughs and the flirts, it made me so sad, why him? why not me? I've been there for Kacchan every step of the way EVERY! step... 

"Hey, Midoryia!" I hear a familiar voice snapping me out of my thoughts, turning around slowly with the biggest smile I could plaster on my face in seconds. "Oh hey, Kirishima!" I say shakily glancing at Kacchan for a split second, his smile had faded... He was now back to the Kacchan I knew "So how was your first day back? We didn't talk much today did we?" the redhead said cheerfully "O-oh it was great! couldn't have asked for a better day!" I say.

After our conversation we went our separate ways while I walked the next three minutes to my house I couldn't help but cry, his demeanor changed so fast when I came around...

Am I really that useless?! 

shaking my head and wiping my face I arrive at my house opening the door and closing it I heard my mom in the kitchen humming as she cooked for the two of us peacefully, "Mom I'm home!" I say trying not to sound upset as I take my shoes off. "Oh hi, honey! How was your day?" my wonderful mother asked walking in the room with a smile plastered on her face "oh it was a great mom!" I say, her smile dropped quickly and her eyes widen in horror, does she know somethings wrong? "Hey, mom what is it?" I say walking up to her concerned. "H-honey w-why do you have flowers growing from your neck? y-you also have a stream of blood coming down your chin.." 

My eyes widen again?! it happened again?!   "what are you talking about mom?" I try to play it off looking at the ground touching my neck well aware the flowers are there now. "..Honey.. who are you In love with..? and why this person if you got It.." she lightly grabs my hand and pulls me to the kitchen "M-mom... I couldn't answer that even if I wanted too.." Grabbing a washcloth and pouring water over it she says "Izuku.. I am your mother, I will always listen and protect you the best way I can, now tell me.. please"  and she says this in the most serious yet concerned way I've even heard her sound...

Almost instantly I start to cry as mom wipes blood from my face, "M-mom h-he doesn't love me back! h-he never will! and now I-I'm stuck with this fircking flower disease and going to school with him every day seeing h-him really happy with his boyfriend!" my mom looks so hurt, I can tell she's holding back tears "W-who?" She says ringing out the washcloth and trying to figure out something for the flowers. My head drops and If possible more tears start to fall "Kac-" I say halfway then stop shaking my head "Izuku you have to tell me.." she says putting her hand on my shoulder and squeezes' it. "K-kacchan.," I say crying more at the nickname I gave him all those years ago.. 

I look up at her with tears in my eyes, her lip is quivering and her eyes are watery "Izuku... Katsuki? I know you can't choose who you love.. but Katsuki?" I laugh "M-mom believe me I've thought the same for years.. It's just.. I grew up with him and I've admired him for so long.." she weakly smiles "I could get Mistuki on the phone and you could talk to her about it" "No thank you, Kacchan already has his lover.." more tears come dripping down my face "b-besides! I have memories! I-I could just hold on to those and we could be friends... If that's what you could call us.." 

Reaching into my bookbag pocket I pull out one of the notebooks I keep the information about the pro hero's in, "I have this one good memory and that's enough for me mom.." I open the notebook up to the very last page and pick up a picture handing it to her slowly

She takes the picture slowly looking at it and after a minute of staring at it with the saddest look in her eyes she starts to cry "Y-you still have this photo?" she says in a whisper, I nod, Mitsuki took it

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She takes the picture slowly looking at it and after a minute of staring at it with the saddest look in her eyes she starts to cry "Y-you still have this photo?" she says in a whisper, I nod, Mitsuki took it. It was the day I and Kacchan got accepted into UA I wasn't sure he would even want to see me because our whole life I was thought to be quirkless and Kacchan had a way better quirk than me.. but no Mitsuki had told him before we got there and when we arrived he looked at me with the calmest expression I've seen on his face. He opened his arms and gestured for me to give him a hug.. and so I did, about a month later I was mailed the picture... Kacchan had changed back to his normal self after that day... And I only got to see that side of him once while Kirishima saw it every day...

~Next day~

Walking to school with a scarf, that's great, I had to find some way to cover up the flowers.. they only spread throughout the night. "Hey, Mr. Aziawa.," I say as I get to class I showed up like an hour early so I could explain my problem without any of my classmates trying to find out.

"And so you want me to let you wear the scarf?" Mr. Aizawa said sleepily but concerned, I nod with a look of shame on my face "I'm sorry to ask so much from you.." I say rubbing my arm. "No no, it's ok Midoriya" The caterpillar sighed embracing me in a hug.. ".."

 Instantly I break down crying as I hug my teacher back, "I-it just h-hurts s-so much" I say through tears I thought I couldn't even produce coughing up flower petal after flower petals I just couldn't stop, why didn't he love me..? why..? 

Please read!v

~^* Alright! Done!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I swear this book will not turn into a Bakudeku story, I just wanted to add more flavor to the story ya know? Even though this won't turn into a Bakudeku love story I will however be using this throughout the story until it ends! And no Deku will NOT die, I repeat he will NOT die. and if you guys like this idea I will happily make a separate book that is Bakudeku with this concept!  And for those of you who don't know, The flower disease is a made-up condition called Hanaki, Hanaki Disease is a fictional disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. It ends when the beloved returns their feelings, or when the victim dies. It can be cured through surgical removal, but when the infection is removed, the victim's romantic feelings for their love also disappear. Alrighty! See you guys in the next chapter!*^~


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