I am sorry<(_ _)>

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A/n: By the way, Deku keeps his legs- I used the picture above because I thought It matched the tone this chapter will be in- 

Kirishima was asleep on top of Bakugo, they had slept through the day but they didn't mind. "Baby" Kirishima said tiredly as he stretched his arms and looked at Bakugo, "Hm?" The ash-blond responded as he rubbed his eyes. "I'm hungry and we both know I can't cook" Bakugo chuckled and kissed Kirishima's neck "Okay, what do you want?" He sat up and stretched  "Pancakes?" 

Bakugo nodded and got up kissing Kirishima "I'll be back in a bit say here" Bakugo walked downstairs and went into the kitchen. Pouring the batter into the pan Bakugo felt hands wrap around his waist, looking over his shoulder he saw Kirishima hugging him with his head on his back. He smiled and went back to cooking "one or two?" He asked as he put one pancake on a plate, "Two please" he said smiling. 

After making the second pancake he turned the stove off and chuckled "I'm going to need you to let me go now" Kirishima laughed and let go of Bakugo as he took the plate of pancakes. "Thanks, BakuBabe" The ash-blond male smiled and kissed his forehead "No problem" 

"Hey, today's Deku's surgery.." Kirishima said quietly taking a bite of pancake "I know.. I plan to visit him when his surgery is over." 


He's doing alright! He has a steady heart rate, and the disease has been removed" The doctors said as they went around the room checking the IVs and cleaning up the blood from the surgery. Deku was doing alright, he was of course, asleep. But he was doing fine. He subconsciously was fine as well, he didn't know why but he had a flashback to when he took the test to be a Pro. 

He smiled, he was happy that he did it! He was finally a Pro hero... He did it, he finally did it ever since he was a kid he wanted to be just like All Might. He wanted to be a Pro no matter what would happen, and he will pursue that dream even if it meant going through the rough months he had experienced with the disease.


Deku thought, "he looked pretty mad at me... I didn't mean for him to find out, I really didn't I know how Kacchan is, I know he wouldn't care about my feelings"  Deku began to think about when It all started, he was asleep physically but subconsciously? He was awake, thinking, hoping. He didn't know why, but he started to freak out he couldn't keep control of his tears and emotions. 

"Doctor.." The nurse said she sounded panicked  "DOCTOR!" She said as she ran out and got the doctor, Deku's heart rate was going up quickly and he kept squirming around almost like a seizure... No, he was having one. "Hold him down! we need to stop the bleeding and bring his heart rate down!" The doctor said as he quickly slipped his gloves on. A few of the nurses were holding Deku down as he kept bleeding and moving around. 

As more doctors rushed into Deku's room Inko and All might began to worry, "H-hey! What's going on?! What's wrong with my son?!" She asked worryingly none of the doctors answered her. They were all in there and some came rushing out and back in, out and in, in and out. Inko began to cry putting her hands over her face she quietly began to sob. All might put his hand on Inko's shoulder and squeezed it "It's alright... Young Midoryia is a strong one" 

Maybe an hour or so later the Doctor came out of the room and pulled his mask down "Ma'am I'm sorry but.." "What?!" Inko said as she got up still crying. Sighing and looking at her "your son is in a coma, we don't know what happened but his heart rate suddenly went up and he had a seizure" She covered her mouth and just stood there crying. "We don't know why he had a seizure, maybe he was freaking out, who knows" 


Inko was sitting in Deku's room next to his bed holding his hand "I know you can get through this Izuku... I know you can" she croaked. 

Kirishima had asked Bakugo if he wanted him to go with him to the hospital, but he said no and got a bouquet of flowers. He said he wasn't going to at first but he walked past a flower shop and decided to buy some. 

Walking Into the hospital, after talking with the people at the front desk bakugo was now walking to Deku's room. Knocking and walking in he saw Inko crying next to Deku "O-Oh Bakugo" She said letting go of Deku's hand and wiping her eyes. "I-is... Is he okay?" Bakugo asked as he set the flowers down on a nearby table, "... N-No he's not, he's in a coma" Inko said as she started to cry again. Bakugo stood there with visible hurt on his face "D-do... Do they know when he'll wake up?" Bakugo said clearing his throat.

 "No... N-no they don't.."

A/n: motivation slapped me in the face today, so! take another chapter my lovely people! As always enjoy and have a nice day/afternoon/night <3

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