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A/n: Credits to the artist! the art above is not mine, none of the art is unless I say it is 

The year was going great everyone is 3-A has been working hard they are halfway through their 3rd year at UA. Once they graduate they will all become pro hero's, Kirishima had thought about this a lot he was excited he was so happy he made it this far and that they all were on the verge of becoming pros! 

He knew he had a lot of work to do, he could admit that but he was the manliness man there was.

"Kirishima! pay attention!" Kirishima was snapped out of his thoughts by his boyfriend, they were in his room studying for their math test. "Sorry!" the redhead apologized "Ok so what's the solution for 'x ' " Bakugo said as he pointed his pencil to the math problem. "uh.. 34?" Kirishima said. 


bakugo stared at his boyfriend, was he serious? they had gone over this for 3 weeks now!

"You're joking right?" bakugo said with a scoff

"uh... no-" Kirishima said smiling weakly "KIRISHIMA WE HAVE WENT OVER THIS FOR WEEKS" "I- IT'S NOT MY FAULT BABE! MATH IS FUCKING HARD-" The room went silent Kirishima didn't normally cuss, Bakugo only recalled him cussing once on his birthday when they went on the rollercoaster but that was it. They both stared at each other than they sorta just laughed It was funny really "You never cuss when needed but you do the math and all hell breaks loose" bakugo said laughing "what can I say? math brings out the worst in me" Kirishima said shugging.

after studying the boys went to the bed and cuddled they had nothing to do so they just decided to sit there for a while. "hey bakugo" Kiri said looking up at his boyfriend "Hm?" the ash-blond hummed in response. "thank you.." "for?" "for staying with me and helping me when I needed it... I love you Bakubro" Kiri said smiling up at Katsuki. He blushed and kissed Kiri's forehead "No problem shitty hair. I love you too" 

~Timeskip thingy~ 

The next day was the math test everyone was confident in their studies.. everyone except Kirishima he thought he was gonna fail. 

"You can do this just think positive!" Mina said as they approached their class
"Yeah man, you'll do great!" Denki chimed in 

"Thanks, guys, I'll try!" 

Walking into the classroom everyone sat down and began their test they had one hour to complete it, the room was very quiet so quiet that Kirishima thought everyone could hear his heart racing, he was so worried he would fail the test. 

~Lord behold another timeskip~

"Okay, I graded your tests," Mr. Aziawa said holding the papers in his hand "You guys did very well no bad marks," he said with a small smile on his face. This made Kirishima feel better if no one got bad marks then he did good!. Right?

passing out their test Aziawa got to Kirishima, he set his paper down telling him he did a good job.

"Please be good.." Kiri thought as he turned the paper over, opening his eyes he smiled, he smiled so brightly at his grade 

"Oi, what did you get Shittyhair?" Bakugo asked as they were walking to their next class "I got the best grade there is Bakubabe" Kirishima said handing bakugo his paper. With a blush on his face from the new nickname, bakugo took the paper and looked at it. 


"yeah! that's what I'm talking about!" Bakugo said ruffling his boyfriend's hair with a smile Kirishima took the paper and put it back in his book bag "and to think I thought I was gonna fail" Kirishima said.

~That's today's chapter, sorry I didn't get it out last night as I said! My internet was running slow as fuck- But it's out now! As always I hope you enjoyed, Have a great day my children ^w^~

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