Back to school

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"I don't wanna go back to school bakugo!!" Kirishima said pulling the covers over his head and groaning "well you have to, so get your ass up and get ready-" The ash-blonde was cut off when Kirishima popped out from under the covers and pulled him onto the bed and hugged his torso. "I don't wanna go to school because I won't be able to hold you all day" Kirishima mumbled into Bakugo's chest, With a blush and a soft look on his face bakugo wrapped his arms around His boyfriend and said, "It's ok just go to school and I'll hold your hand whenever I can ok?" This peeked The redhead's attention, bakugo never really showed affection in public he didn't like PDA. "Ok ok fine" Kirishima sighed as he got up to get ready.

After getting ready and having breakfast they were off, As promised bakugo grabbed Kirishima's hand and squeezed it tightly. Holding his hand back saying "wow I didn't think you'd actually hold my hand" Kirishima joked "Oh yeah? Well, I'll just stop holding it then!" Bakugo growled as he let go, "nO no No I was kidding!" Kirishima said grabbing Bakugo's hand again. "I'm gonna miss UA when this year is over... And we'll be hero's soon.." Said the redhead kind of sad, "Yeah third year will be harder- Ya'know If it wasn't for ME You wouldn't have passed the second year because of your math" Bakugo said with a chuckle "H-hey! I was trying!" "Yeah sure you were, You had so much trouble with algebra I thought you were gonna malfunction". 

As they approached UA they saw four familiar people walking towards the school,  "Oi Dunceface, Raccoon eyes!" Said Bakugo as they approached. "Yoooo! Kirishima!" Denki and Sero said in sync Jiro and Mina were just standing there with smiles on their faces while watching the boys goof off as if they've just met and they're automatically Friends.

"So! How're you guys!" Mina asked The couple as they all walked into the school "Hm? Us? we're great" Kirishima said smiling brightly Bakugo just smiled to himself as he grabbed Kirishima's hand. Getting closer towards their class they had a small talk about their quirks, "Do you still turn into an idiot when you use your quirk too much or are you... better-?" Jiro asked Denki trying not to laugh "I will have you know that I have it under control!" Denki said crossing his arms pouting "I can shoot my acid farther now" Mina said with an accomplished look on her face.

 "Well- Uhm- I can- tape things-" Sero said pulling the tape out of his elbow and sticking it to his forehead, This made everyone laugh they all tried their best to cheer Sero up without laughing in his face. "AND! We are here!" Mina said opening the door to class 3-A.

"Welcome back," said the human caterpillar "Hi Mr. Aziawa!" Kiri said brightly "yes hello take your seats while everyone else arrives I am going to take a nap-" 

Deku's Pov: 

My last year at UA... Kind of sad, I worked so hard to get here and now it's almost over. Oh, I had fun here! I wish it could last a tiny bit longer- 

"tAke yOUr sEaTs!" 

As I was interrupted from my thoughts Ida rushed in the same as always, telling everyone to sit when he was the only one standing, This caused me to chuckle He was always like that nice to know he didn't change. Matter of fact, everyone stayed the same, no one changed.. expect Kacchan, he seemed calmer, less loud, caring. This kind of scared me what caused him to change? was it his relationship with Kirishima? "Hey, Midoryia!" 

3rd person 

"hey, Midoryia!" Said the redhead "O-oh Kirishima!" Deku said with his normal nervous grin on his face, "How's yours going?" "m-my what?" The greenette asked "weren't you listening? Aizawa sensei said that we could talk about how our quirk development was going quietly." Deku's eyes widen "O-oh I was in my thoughts sorry!!, But my quirk is going great! I don't break any more bones" He chuckled slightly "that's great! nice to know you're improving!" 

The day went on as normal Quirk training, learning, pretty normal everything was slow but irritating for Kirishima,  getting every chance he got he'd find a way to touch bakugo, even if it was a tap on the shoulder, the redhead hasn't gone this long without psychical contact from bakugo all summer and it was annoying him so much he hit a wall out of frustration. 

The explosive boy noticed this, he noticed everything that his annoyed boyfriend did after he saw him punch that wall without him knowing, bakugo thought it was cute. Grinning to himself as Kirishima poked his back with his finger, "can't go a minute without touching me can you babe" whispered as he turned around to hand back some papers. "h-hm? I-I don't know what you're talking about" Kirishima said as he took the papers and passed them back "yeah ok" bakugo grinned as he turned around.

~smol time skip to the end of the day~

"Bakugo!!" Kirishima said as he ran towards him "hm?" The explosive boy hummed as he stopped to wait for Kiri, practically leaping into his arms Kirishima hugged bakugo so fast they almost fell over. Trying not to fall, Bakugo smiled while hugging Kirishima back "Dang Shittyhair, Missed me that much? you saw me all day" "but I couldn't hug you" the human shark said, "And is that why you punched a wall??" bakugo laughed as he let go of Kirishima and started to walk, "oh- Y-you saw that?" said the shark boi rubbing the back of his neck following his boyfriend "I saw everything, You punching the wall, the way you stared at me.. Everything" laughing nervously Kirishima smiled. 

deku's pov:

Kacchan hugged him back?? Wait, I knew they were dating but I never expected Kirishima to change Kacchan like this... He's even stopped yelling at everyone every second he got. Ejiro Kirishima. What did you do? how did you do it? Kacchan is different... It's a sight to see really, but it's not normal.. and I think I'm the only one who noticed...

Deku's pov ends:

Arriving at Bakugo's house Mitsuki greeted them and asked them how their day's went, "Oh my- What happened to your hand Kirishima-?" Mitsuki said eyeing the boy's hand "Oh nothing really! I just hurt it in training-" "be careful next time!". 

"Katsukiiiiiii!" Kiri said as he looked for the angry dandelion "hM-?!" Bakugo said from his room sounding sleepy. "oh- did I wake you up-? I'm sorry" Kiri frowned a tiny bit as he opened the door to his boyfriend's room, "huh? oh.. it's fine" bakugo yawned as he rubbed his eyes and sat up "nO nO lay back down you're, tired," the red-haired boy said as he entered the room closing the door. Humming the explosive boy got up and walked over to Kiri and hugged him from behind, bakugo said nothing, he just breathed slowly onto Kirishima's neck humming, "baby... You should lay down" Kiri said not wanting to move from that spot but knew his boyfriend needed sleep. nodding slowly bakugo let go a walked over to his bed and laid down, Kirishima did the same while he climbed under the covers he turned towards bakugo and starts playing with his hair. running his fingers through the ash blonde's hair massaging his head. 

bakugo hummed and in response to this and wrapped his arms around Kiri pulling him closer burring his face into Kirishima's neck, The two fell asleep in each other's arms.

~*oh boy- that was a lot of words- 1,299 words in fact- hope you enjoy!!*~

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