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"No... N-no they don't.." Inko said as she looked back at Deku, Bakugo rubbed the back of his neck as he grabbed a chair and pulled it up next to the bed. He looked at Deku and rested his chin on his fist as he looked. "You know, he really liked you Bakugo," Inko said quietly as she gave him a side glance. Bakugo hung his head looking at the ground "Yeah... I know" He said.

Inko sighed and got up "I-I'll let you guys have some time," she said quietly as she started to walk out of the room. After awhile Bakugo broke down in tears, "I-I'm sorry" He said through tears as he looked at Deku in the hospital bed. "I-I was an asshole and I know" He croaked as he tried to wipe his tears away, he just looked at Deku and started to feel guilty, he knew it was his fault. He knew it, just like with All might. 

After about forty-five minutes or so Bakugo got up and told Deku goodbye, knowing he wouldn't answer he smiled slightly and left the room saying his goodbyes to Inko and All might. 

He walked home with his hands in his pockets as he was looking at the ground. Saying nothing the whole walk home he opened the door and took his shoes off, "Katsuki?" Kirishima said from the other room as he came in the room to see Bakugo. "How did it g-" Kirishima was cut off by a pair of arms around him as he could hear crying. "K-Katsuki?!" He said worryingly as he wrapped his arms around Bakugo. 

"H-he's i-in a coma" Bakugo croaked out through tears, Kirishima was shocked. A coma?! He was worried, but right now he needed to comfort his boyfriend. He just stood there hugging Bakugo tightly as he rubbed his back whispering reassuring things. Bakugo had his face buried in Kirishima's neck as he cried, feeling sorry for all the tears and snot that was probably forming on his neck. But at this point, he just needed to cry. After a while, Bakugo pulled away and rubbed his eyes, "Can we go to bed?" He asked as his voice cracked again. Kirishima smiled reassuringly as he nodded gently taking Bakugo's hand and leading him to their room. 

They both changed into their sleep clothes and laid in the bed, Kirishima laid on his back as Bakugo laid on top of him. Covering both him and Bakugo up he started to rub his back again. After Bakugo fell asleep Kirishima stayed up, just in case Bakugo woke up freaking out later in the night. 

To which, he did. Bakugo would yell as if he wasn't hurt at all, He'd say his normal snarking remarks as tears dripped down his face. He would angrily rant about almost anything. "Babe, calm down okay? You're hurting and that's normal" Kirishima said as he gave Bakugo a hug and kissed his cheek, Bakugo hugged back and just stayed quiet. 


That's how it would go on, for 2 months straight Bakugo and Kirishima visited Deku, talking to him, wishing him well. You name it. They walked into the hospital one day and went to the room, they stayed there for longer than usual, updating him on their first official mission as heroes. They smiled as they looked at Deku, he looked more alive, his skin wasn't as pale and his eyes weren't sunk in. After what seemed like forever the two guys went home.

"How about a movie?" Kirishima asked the loud dandelion as he changed out of his hero outfit "Sure, I'll make popcorn" Bakugo said as he changed into some sweats and a normal T-shirt. Kirishima nodded and finished getting dressed as he turned the TV on looking through the movies on Netflix, Making the popcorn Bakugo started to do the dishes as he was waiting for the popcorn to finish cooking.

After the popcorn was cooked and the movie was picked Bakugo and Kirishima were cuddled up on their bed wrapped in covers and in each other's arms. "Someone's calling you Katsuki" Kirishima said as he handed Bakugo his phone that was on the nightstand. "Who the fuck could it be?" He asked growling, "Hello?!" He said sounding obviously annoyed. "H-hey Bakugo?" It was Inko, "Oh, Hello.." he said wondering why she called. 

"It's about Izuku," She said 

~*A/n: Sorry!!! It's been awhile since I have actually updated!! I apologize, I hope you all are having a wonderful day/afternoon/night! <3*~

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