Filler chapter (¬w¬)

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The picture above is used for the sole purpose of bakugo in a dress.. and it was the only one i could find lmao🤣 

It was a normal day at UA the 3rd years were all out doing whatever they needed to Do and only a few remained in the dorms.

Zora, Ariel, Kirishima, Bakugo and Me

We were all chilling in the Common room and Bakugo was somewhere-

The dorm was so silent and quiet, then out of no where you just hear the faint melody of a girly song, "What The hell?" Zora and Kirishima said almost in sync. Village....Princess..  That's literally all that was heard, standing up we all walked towards the noise and as we drew near there was a masculine voice singing along with the song.  "i WAS a GIrl IN a VilLAGE dOin ALrIghT!!" We all looked at each other confused but on the verge of laughing.

"Bro- IS that Bakugo-?" Ariel said covering her mouth laughing "i swear that's him" Zora said laughing "let's find out shall we?" I say smirking grabbing my phone and pressing record. Opening the door we all pop our heads in the room, And what was in front of us sent us to the floor, Bakugo was dancing around the room singing along to 'Sofia the first' He was doing small twirls and trying his best to stay on key. 

"BRO WHAT THE HELL?!" Kirishima said gasping for air as he saw his Boyfriend singing his life out "W-WHAT THE FUCK?!?" Bakugo said turning around with a red face and a scowl forming, "DUDE! LET ME PUT A DRESS ON YOU!" Ariel said Smirking. "NO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY DORM ROOM?!?" Bakugo yelled angrily "d-dude I can't breathe-" I say gasping for air laughing my ass off. 

"come on! I just need to see you in a dress! You can't go around singing Sofia the first without the dress!" Ariel said "Yeah come on!" Zora and Kirishima said in sync "I THINK THE FUCK NOT EXTRAS!" Bakugo yelled activating his quirk. "Okokok- L-let him be- He doesn't like Sofia the first-" covering my mouth and laughing harder than I was before I was practically in tears. "I think.. we should.. Just let Bakugo.. B-be" I say then drop to the floor laughing my ass off again "DUDE! YOU WERE SPINNING IN CIRCLES!" I say holding my stomach "CIRCLES!" 

"FUCK OFF AUTHOR!" the angry dandelion said  "I THINK THE FUCK NOT!" 

Zora, Kirishima, and Ariel were in the back with wide eyes staring at the argument that just irrupted, "I'M THE AUTHOR HERE SIR! YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT POWER I HOLD" "WELL YOU LOVE ME TOO MUCH TO DO SHIT ABOUT IT!" Bakugo said with smirk on his face knowing he had won that. "I- You- Get him in the dress.. and the makeup!" I say plastering a evil grin on my face.  

"AWE YA! BET!" Ariel said running out the room to get the makeup "This'll be great!" zora said also exiting the room to grab a dress "what-?!? NO!" bakugo tried to chime i, "I'll get sero!" Kirishmia said knowing that with the help of Sero's tape we could get the makeup on Blasty faster. 

 ~time skip~ 

Everyone was gathered in the common room, the lights were dim and there was about three lamps shinning on a wall acting as the spotlight. 

"AREE YOU READYYYY?!" Present mic said using his quirk 


bakugo was pushed into the spotlight, he was in a purple dress and a crown on his head he had some makeup on, not a lot but enough to notice, "Give it your best bro!" Zora whispered "yeah you can do it Bakubitch" I said smirking. 

The music started and bakugo stood there angered and annoyed but, he started to go along with it "I was a girl in the village doing alright.." He spat out and small explosions popping from his hands "Then I became a princess overnight.." "Now I gotta figure out how to do it right!" mina said from where she was sitting giggling to herself. With the bakugo smirked and continued "So much to learn and see!" 

Within minutes the whole class was singing along and everyone was having a fun time, Bakugo was dancing along and singing he looked like he was having a fun time, 

After the whole class was done singing bakugo rushed to take everything off,

"this was stupid as fuck author!" he said to me as he wiped the makeup off "oh shut your yap, you had fun!"  "You're lucky Kirishmia would hold me back or I would've picked a fight by now!" He said while taking the dress off, he had his normal clothes underneath so there was no need for him to change.

"nah you're just scared of me, As the author and the fact that I could beat you with my sandal  again" I glared at him "yeah yeah, whatever extra" he scoffed 

After awhile everyone was asleep, I just sat there coming up with ideas for the next chapter.. THE END 

~^And we're done! by the time this is released I'll be off of my break and back to updating normally, Hope you enjoyed! And for the people mentioned in the chapter (Zora and Ariel) thank you for letting me put you in today's filler chapter!  Hope you enjoyed! Adios!^~

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