Thank you! >︿<

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Thank you all so much! This story has gotten somewhat popular and I just can't even begin to thank you all! I still can't wrap my tiny little brain around the fact people like my story >﹏<

I'll admit this story is dog shit compared to what I wanted it to be- I started this book Mid quarantine because I was on the verge of losing my mind if I didn't do anything  😂 I've gotten a comment or two saying that the story was beginning to not make any fucking sense- and I agree because I actually became serious about writing not too long ago and now I'm just trying to make up for the past -w-'

But just thank you all again you've provided so much support and positivity and motivation that I've just been close to tears thank you all :> 

Now! I have been pulling chapters out of my ass since school started and I'll admit that my sleep schedule was shit before but now with school and me needing to update- 

oh boy.. (。_。)

I might as well be Aizawa If I don't take at least one nap I start to have a headache and I get hungry asf for no apparent reason other than my sleep-deprived ass XD I normally start a chapter around 12 in the morning and finish at around 4-5 at night (or morning whatever -3-) and the only reason it takes that long is because of school and I Need motivation plus fixing my horrible spelling-


Thank you all again and I hope you have a wonderful day! You have an option to take a cookie or a hug from either bakugo or Kiri, if you chose one of the boys for a hug read on (¬‿¬)

~*^Cookie*^ :🍪

^*Bakugo^*: scroll down to number 3

**^Kiri^**: Scroll down to number 5

*^Katsuki Bakugo number 3*^:

Y/n walks up to Bakugo with a huge smile on their face, they've wanted to hug Bakugo since forever but never asked because they were scared he'd blow their head off. Tapping his shoulder Y/n says "Oi- Anger issues" Bakugo looks up at You with a glare "Anger issues?!" He says Standing up looking down on you "Yeah Anger issues, you have those you do know that..RIghT?"  Looking you in the eyes with an 'I can and will kill you' look bakugo sighs "What did you want shorty?" You wrap your arms around his torso and hug him tightly. with a slight blush on his face and not knowing how to react he slowly returns the hugs resting his head on your head and saying "what the hell is this for dumbass?" You laugh "I've wanted a hug from you for a while... I guess I just got around to it" Bakugo chuckles "yeah yeah alright... If anyone asks.. this never happened" "Don't plan on telling anyone Katsuki" you say smiling. He smiles and continues to melt into your embrace. 

^*Ejiro Kirishima number 5*^:

Y/n had a hard day at school, they hated the way Mineta was still in that class and they also hated the way present mic had yelled in their ear on accident. They weren't mad they knew it wasn't on purpose but Y/n being very nice but also giving off the 'I may look sweet but I won't hesitate to kill you' Vibe wasn't happy about their ear ringing all day. All they wanted at this point was a hug from Kirishima, his hugs always seemed to brighten their day and they could really use one right now. "Kiri," you said opening the door to the human shark's room "Yeah Y/n?" He said popping his head out from his closet. walking over to him you had your head down "Aw what's wrong?" The male said stepping towards you and wrapping his arms around you tightly, returning the hug and burring your face in his chest you tell him about your day and just melt into his arms. "Well... Mineta is just stupid-" Kirishima says as he hugs you tighter. smiling and melting into his warm embrace you thank him for always making your days better.


lowkey just made a Baku x reader one-shot and a Kiri x reader one-shot in a Kiribaku story-

Oh well I know/ hope this makes someone smile, Have a wonderful Day/Afternoon/ evening(~ ̄▽ ̄)~

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