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~8:00 AM ~

Bakugo had woken up earlier than normal, today was the day. Today was the day! Bakugo wasn't really good at expressing his feelings ninety percent of the time, but after talking to Mina about this for a solid two days. He knew this was going to be alright, even if It was Christmas eve he knew he was going to get this in. 

Getting out of bed Bakugo crept around the house quietly getting ready and making breakfast for Kiri. He knew that the redhead wouldn't wake up right away so he made pancakes and some eggs and put them on a plate in the microwave, smiling, he crept back to their room and placed a note on the nightstand next to the bed. Grabbing his coat and hat, Bakugo set out into the cold snowy outside to get everything ready. 

~11:50 AM ~ 

Kirishima groaned as the sunlight shining from the window hit his face, 'Why are the blinds open?!'  he wondered as he sat up and tossed his legs over the side of the bed "Katsuki?" Kirishima called out as he rubbed his left eye and looked around for his tall boyfriend. 

Not seeing Bakugo he looked over at the nightstand and tilted his head in curiosity when he saw the note. Picking it up he read it, smiling at what it said.

Hey babe, I'm sorry I had to go so early, there's food in the microwave. But I want to show you something. Do you remember when we first met? I never thought I was going to be such good friends with you guys. When you came out of nowhere with your outward personality I never thought I would fall for an idiot like you. There's something else I have to say but go back to that spot...-Kat

~12:00 PM~

He smiled and went and got ready, opening the microwave after he got out of the shower and got dressed. He smiled at the plate of pancakes and eggs taking the plate out he got a fork and some syrup and started to eat, 'what is he up to?'  he smiled to himself as he finished eating and put the plate in the sink. 

Grabbing his keys he pulled on his jacket and grabbed a scarf "UA it is then" he chuckled as he grabbed the note Bakugo had left and put it in his pocket. On his way to UA, he looked at the snowfall around him, it was really pretty this time of year Christmas eve was always pretty. Covered in snow and lights, as he arrived at UA he saw a few familiar heads "Mina? Denki?" He said as he chuckled walking up to them. 

~12:20 PM ~

"HI!!" Mina said happily "wassup man!!" Denki said as well, laughing and hugging the both of them he looked at them curiously "What are you guys doing here?" They both smiled as Mina reached in her pocket and handed Kirishima a note "You've made it to your first destination bro!" Denki said. Reading the second note Kirishima smiled.

Something funny I never thought of was I never asked you out exactly. Ei, I fucking kissed you first! I was thinking if I had never done it I would have been too much of a pussy for the rest of my life. Mina screamed after we came off the Ferris wheel! Do you remember how much fun that day was? That was my favorite birthday I fucking swear.  

Mina had her hands together as she smiled and giggled as Denki smiled and rubbed his neck "what's going on guys?" Kirishima chuckled and put the note in his pocket "We can't tell you! That'd ruin the surprise! Just go there!" Mina said as she and Denki began to push Kiri forward."Okay okay!" Kirishima chuckled and started walking towards the fair.

~12:40 PM ~

Once he arrived he saw Jiro, Tsu, and Satou and he was filled with joy, he hasn't seen these guys since their UA days! He went up and hugged them "Let me guess?" he chuckled as Jiro handed him a note "You guessed right," Tsu said as she did a small ribbet and laughed.

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