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After their encounter with Deku, Bakugo and Kirishima went up to kirishima's room they closed the door and sat in silence for awhile. "so.. do you think midoryia was joking..?" Kirishima said looking at the floor "he's gonna get the surgery.. right?" 

"I don't think so Shitty hair.." bakugo said laying back on the bed looking at the celling "he looked pretty serious to me" "yeah but why would he just not get the surg-" "I don't know Kirishima!" the angry dandelion said, "I don't fucking know.." 

Kirishima laid down on top of bakugo basically hugging him "it's alright babe" kirishima said in hopes of calming his boyfriend. Kiri laid his head on bakugo's chest and just laid there in silence, after awhile he heard his boyfriend sleeping soundly. Kiri smiled and grabbed a cover covering both of them up, "goodnight babe" kirishima said kissing bakugo's forehead and fell asleep himself. 

~Next day~

Kirishima was still sad, he was really worried about Deku, who was he in love with? Who caused him this pain? He shook his head and headed to class, Bakugo was walking in front of him with the rest of the bakusqaud. They arrived at their class and sat down.

"And that is how you'll become pro's" 

Kirishima snapped his head up, he rose his hand "yes Kirishima?" Aziawa asked with a tried look on his face. "W-what did you say? I wasn't paying attention.. I'm sorry sir" Kirishima said sheepishly. Sighing Aziawa repeated himself.

"each of you will have to fight a pro hero portraying as a villain to become a pro, Not just the teachers here you've already did that. You will be fighting a different pro hero, you have to win, no cheats or you can kiss your dream of being a hero goodbye." 

"thank you!" kirishima said,

~At the dorms~

"Oi shittyhair what are yo-" bakugo walked into kirishima's room and stopped, He walked in on his boyfriend sleeping on his bed wrapped up in his covers. Smiling slightly he walked over to Kirishima's bed kissed him on the forehead and whispered "I love you Eijiro" 
Bakugo walked out of Kiri's room and closed the door behind him

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