[GN] IU - Largo

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Not really inspired by anything


High school is a mess.

There's drama every other day, there are fights breaking out over the smallest of things, a social hierarchy is built among students, and popularity becomes the main currency.

Based on that, I guess I fall under the richer side of students. I'm pretty popular in school, though I have no idea why. Maybe it was because a video of me singing got a fair amount of views. Ever since that one video started racking up views, people have been looking up to me. Other students asking me for vocal lessons or to be in a duet with me became a common occurrence.

Though honestly, dealing with popularity and maintaining an image is tough, so I've pretty much thrown all that stuff out the window.

Asking to sing with me is one thing, but, not to sound egotistical or narcissistic, at least be half decent. Too many people have asked me to sing with them for talent shows or something along those lines, but have been downright terrible. That's why I've been doing solo gigs for those events or working with a select few friends who are also aspiring singers.

JB, Wheein, Kei, and I. The four of us were aspiring musicians and had a pretty solid following. We'd perform acapella covers in random events together and I'd say we were well-liked among students in the school.

Today was like any other day. I shared mathematics with JB, so he and I headed off to our class as Kei and Wheein headed to their respective classes.

One thing I noticed in class was the missing students. Usually, we'd have a solid twenty students, but today, we had just over ten. Was everyone sick or something?

Our teacher, Mr. Min, walked into class and laid out his papers. With only half of the class present, attendance was quick.

"I guess everyone's si-" Mr. Min was about to finish his statement, but the door slowly opened.

A little head popped through the small crack in the door.

"Ms. Lee. Glad you could join us today."

Lee Ji-eun. I'd say she's on the nerdier end of the school stereotype spectrum. She doesn't hang around school often, but when she does, she's often seen in the library. She usually has her nose in a book and doesn't seem to be bothered by the commotion school life can bring.

I admire her for that, though. It can get pretty hectic with friends and strangers around you constantly. She's also super cute, so there's another thing about her that catches my interest. With visuals like her, I'm surprised she's not popular in our school. Maybe it's the nerdiness or something.

"Sorry, sir. I slept in a little today." She quickly bowed before rushing to her seat, which was two ahead of mine.

Even though I sat behind her, I could tell she was lying about sleeping in. Her hair was done impeccably and her makeup, which I could catch a glimpse of if she turned her head slightly, was also neatly applied. I didn't want to call her out on it, but it was stuck on my mind. What was she doing if she was already awake and ready for class? A bunch of questions swirled around in my head.

"(y/n)?" I felt a tap on the shoulder. JB looked at me, rather concerned. "You feeling alright?"

"Ah. Yeah, I'm fine." I looked up to see Mr. Min looking at me as well. Even he looked a little concerned.

I gave him a smile and waved it off.

I turned my attention back to my studies, hoping I could force those thoughts away by filling it with equations and numbers. And it worked for a while. My brain focused completely on the task at hand.

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