[GN] Hyewon (IZ*ONE) - Love and Loss (Destiny Pt.2)

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Not really inspired by anything
Fluff and angst(?) idk if it's angst actually

note: a part 2 to the last Hyewon chapter called destiny, though I think you can read this without reading the previous one and still enjoy it

warnings: short-ish chapter


A story of love and loss. 

A timeless cliche that would happen time and time again.

A story about meeting the perfect person on a hot summer day at a park. Maybe a story about meeting someone who you were told was a terrible human being, only to find out those were all just lies. Maybe a story about realizing the person you sat beside for years of high school was the one for you.

A story about losing someone to a sickness that hadn't been detected early enough. Maybe a story about an instance where you weren't thinking right, only to see the one you love pass away in front of you in a flash of light. Maybe a story less like a scene in a drama and a little more personal, like about a fight that had stomped on the feeling of love you once had for someone else.

Today's story followed the last scenario. They just didn't feel the same way about each other anymore. Was it how they just couldn't learn to change for the better? Was it because of the one too many times they messed up something so simple? Maybe it was just suspicions that had come true?

Hyewon was in tears.

How could one just leave because of something so small? How could one leave because of a reason so shallow?

The fight broke out after tensions boiled over. Like an explosion, everything happened in an instant. First came shouting. Their voices were thrown across the room, ridiculing everything they saw wrong with each other. Silence then followed, the two of them too angry and upset to even say another word. Bags were packed up the next day and the apartment that was once occupied by two people suddenly became empty, leaving one person to wallow in the darkness of the now barren rooms. 

The house felt too large now. The books that once lined the bookshelf were gone, leaving a few journals to try and occupy the wooden shelving that stood against the walls. Speaking of walls, the pictures that had their smiling faces were gone too.

Hyewon couldn't believe it. How did all of this happen? It felt like minutes before, everything was fine and dandy. They were happy. Smiles were still on their faces. They weren't yelling at each other, shouting profanities. Their hands were intertwined lovingly, not balled up into fists with anger. Tears of happiness were spilt after their first kiss, but the only tears now were ones of sadness.

A story of love and loss. It was beautiful but cruel.

Hyewon's tears hadn't stopped, still distraught by the events that had unfolded. The shards of glass from the pictures that were hung up on the wall were still scattered all over the bedroom floor. One wrong step could slice the skin with ease.

But then, a phone call came in. The phone lit up to a familiar name. The one she loved to say in the open night sky with an "I love you" shortly after. The phone rung again, nearly vibrating off of the bedside table it laid on. The first call went to voicemail. Then the next one. Then the one after that. A total of six voicemails lit up the face of the phone.

Maybe they just wanted to say they were sorry. Maybe they realized all of this wasn't worth fighting over. Maybe they wanted to shout one last time about how they wish they never met. Maybe they just wanted the last laugh in this petty squabble of theirs.

It killed Hyewon inside. With a slow hand, she reached over and...



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