Monsoon meet (chapter 1)

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Love is a unique connection which connects two individuals to form a strong bond, but love is uncertain when you are with the wrong person. Sonam is a seventeen-year-old, Who has been staying in a hostel far away from his family and home for the last ten years. He had four close friends (Suraj, Pasang, Ravi and Tsewang) plus classmates who knew everything about him; he was also familiar with everything about them. It was the final year of school life, the most awaited moment for sonam and his friends after longing for a long time to get it over fast. Like every other teenager, Sonam also wishes that school get over fast so he can go to college.Sonam was in a chaotic relationship with a girl name shraddha. He was unhappy moreover unsatisfied with their relationship. It was complicated; hence shraddha was the only one with profound affection towards him. Sonam was unsure about his feelings. He spent most of his time avoiding her by flirting with classmates or juniors. There was not even a single day without arguments. They knew it would not last long, and She knew he would leave her."Monsoon meet" is a school basketball tournament with 16 schools from the valley. The match was divided into two sections, senior boys and girls. Sonam represented the home team accompanied by his close friends. They won the first game with a big difference point. Pasang was selected as a player in the match and was the home team captain. Being a host, the second game was of the girls from the home team against BVS. The boys' team was forced to stay at the court to cheer the home team girls. The match officials took a break, so Coordinator asked someone to help other groups fill out their team forms. None of them was interested. Sonam was the first person to walk away, so the Coordinator ordered him to help all the participants with the paper.

The game was going on between the two teams. He noticed a girl from the opponent team wearing a red jersey with the number eleven on her back. Her height was almost 161 cm. She had flat-wave hair. When some portion of her hair was falling toward her face, she was tucking her hair simultaneously behind her, one ear that made her look more beautiful, an attractive face that made him forget everything going around. He had to experience something new that had never happened the first time. He noticed an eye of a girl rather than her beautiful posture. She was a below-average basketball player. Unfortunately, she was also the captain of her team.

He was very curious about her and eager to know her name. He was sitting at the official spot, gazing at her.The game was over BVS was defeated by the home team girls. The coach of BVS was saying something to her then she walked towards the official table. She came near Sonam And asked, "excuse me, where do I have to submit this form"?. He stayed quiet for a while, then said, " You can leave here. I'll give it to the officials when they come back".She "I have not asked anything yet."She walked away from there. Sonam was still looking at her. Luckily she looked back at him. The Next game was between the boys of BVS against GHS. He saw her being quiet; it was a relief for him. He saw her cheering for their team; most of the time, she was calling a name of a random boy from BVS in a loud voice. He did not feel comfortable with that. The game was enjoyable until the second quarter. In the third quarter, BVS boys had much travel, plus two key players were ejected due to fouls; the game seemed totally in GHS's hands. GHS dominated the game with a considerable score difference.She came back to the official's table to submit another form.She "Here is another one."She was silent and said, "Sorry for earlier, and maybe I was rude to you due to frustration with the game".Sonam, "I just wanted to clarify for you. Don't worry, and you'll win another game. You have a leadership quality with lots of potentials."She "Thank you for the appreciation, but I thought you were members of the officials until You said it.He responded, "Do I look a bit older ? I represent the home team, just staying here until the official's comeback".She "Oh, I misunderstood (with a smile). Maybe the game's frustration came with my speech; sorry for that."Sonam "Sometimes it happens; please don't be sorry". She "I am just saying for formalities, do not take it seriously (with a cute smile). He asked Do you mind if I ask for your name"? (showing off his dimple, so she thinks he is cute).She did not even notice and said, "Mr Duplicate official, you have the form, so search for it". He went through the form and highlighted four names; among those names, he noticed "Dawa sherpa", a name precisely similar to his mother's. She said, "Bye, duplicate official, I am leaving; the school bus is already here waiting for us. See you next time".He had his finger crossed. Sonam took a blind guess and said Bye, "Dawa". She turned around with a puzzled expression.

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