Angel (chapter 10)

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Sonam tried to fix his phone. Luckily it got switch on. Then he called Dawa.

Dawa " Hello Sonam tell me if you're busy."

Sonam " I'm not busy at all, In-fact I came 30 minutes before. When are you coming ?"

Dawa " Don't lie I am also here waiting from last 35 minutes"

Sonam " Wait I am also here, where are you  ?

Dawa " At that place where you told me to come."

Sonam " How can it be I'm not seeing you"

Dawa " Come fast don't play, I am waiting, It's too sunny."

Sonam " I'm also serious, what do see nearby"

Dawa " Nothing, Something like factory"

Sonam " Did you see petrol station?"

Dawa " No, Here is only factory."

Sonam " If you see anything just inform me, I think you are at wrong place."

Dawa " Wait I will ask someone."

(Phone rang)

Sonam "Hello"

Dawa "Sorry i came to wrong place it's called Jholunge pul."

(Jholunge pul was another bridge of that same river)

Sonam " Haha, never mind stay there I will be there with in 5 minutes ."

The distance between two bridges were almost 2 km .

Sonam ran and tried to reach fast. He reached there looked around, Saw a girl wearing spectacles. Suddenly Everything around started getting blur, and she was only the center of attraction.  She was looking like an angel that fell from heaven. It was not the dress, the hair or make up. It was the way her smile was. Her charm was something not to see but to feel. She was girl with the sweetest smile and gorgeous eyes. . Everything about her was mesmerizing, pleasant to heart and sense . She was absolutely stunning ,attractive and eye catching. Every girls are beautiful, but she was above them in her own way.

Sonam went to her and said "Hello, you are looking beautiful, I have said to this many girls but today I realized what real beauty is. Thank you for being here."

She was blushing and replied "Hey, Thank you but I saw you running but in slow motion when you saw me?"

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