Karma works (Chapter 22)

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Sonam went back to his bench saw Ravi sleeping. He was about to go there but suddenly math teacher came in. Everyone stood up to say good morning but Ravi was at same position.

Teacher went to his seat sat behind that bench.

Teacher " Tsewang wake him up and say it's lunchtime."

Tsewang said "wake up its lunchtime."

Ravi slowly opened his eyes said "what a good day I didn't have to see face of that monster. Like everyday he didn't see me sleeping."

He laughed everyone laughed he turned back and got shocked said quickly "He is my favorite teacher."

Teacher was angry he took him to principal room. He complained to hostel warden.

They both came to class bell rang. Teacher said " Do all questions. I will check your assignment tomorrow. If I find anyone not doing or absent then I will request principal to suspend that student for 2 weeks.

Sonam thought " That means I can stay 1 month at home. I can meet Dawa daily."

Ravi came near Sonam said "Where is tiffing ?"

Sonam " I forgot to bring but tomorrow I'll bring double."

Ravi " You broke my heart."

Sonam "What did principal say ?"

Ravi " He called my parents for meeting. There will be here tomorrow. I'm going to have lunch."

Sonam "Don't go today I have to share you something."

Ravi "Your things can't satisfy my hunger, so I'm going."

Sonam " Wait, lets go to canteen."

They went to canteen Sonam said everything to Ravi."

Ravi "90% Congrats I need treat."

He asked more snacks from canteen. Some other friends came to canteen. Ravi told them to eat whatever they want, It's treat from sonam.

Sonam " What are you doing?"

Ravi "Karma works, Remember what you did last time. Every action will come back to you."

Warden saw Ravi " You idiot, useless creature what are you doing here? Why didn't you came for lunch? Wait your parents will be here tomorrow I will tell everything to them."

Ravi looked to Sonam.

Sonam " Karma works, Every action will come back to you."

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