Dancing Inside (Chapter 18)

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Next morning he had to wake up at 6'o clock but it was already 7:30. He took a shower went have breakfast. He was thinking how to convince his mother.

His mother came to kitchen said " You don't have to go hostel for one 2 weeks. You are going from home."

Sonam was shocked how did this happened?

Sonam "Don't joke with me right now."

His mother " I'm not joking with you. We are going Tibet to visit Religious site.

All of our cousins are going with us so there won't be anyone to take care of your Grandfather. Then after 10 days, Some friends of your father are Coming to Nepal from Japan. That time we won't be here, so I want to you to receive them. Take them to some historical site. We will be here after 2 weeks.

Sonam " Why are you not taking Grandfather with you all?"

His mother " He is not so well Therefore he can't travel in bus for long time."

Sonam " Ok, I will go from home."

Sonam was so Happy his soul was dancing inside.

His mother " Wake up early make lunch for your grandfather and keep in Hot case. Don't skip school go regularly.It won't be good if you will be absent. Come straight to home from school don't go anywhere else. Don't use phone too much. Don't forget to give medicine to Grandfather after Dinner.

Sonam " So when are you going to Tibet?"

His mother " Today after lunch we are leaving."

Sonam "it's already 8:30 I'm going to school."

His mother " I'm going with you to inform your warden."

They went to school she informed his warden.

Warden allowed him to come from home.

She went back to home. Sonam went to his class with happy face. He only saw Suraj. None of the hostelers were there. Sonam asked "where are those assholes?"
Suraj "They didn't cut the hair so coordinator took them to Barber."

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