Strange feelings (chapter 2)

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Dawa  "Nice guess! Bye I'm leaving now."
Sonam was happy and smiling all of a sudden his friends came near him.
Ravi asked "Did you find out the name of that girl ?"
He said "which girl?"
Suraj "jersey number 11."
Sonam "I have no clue what you are saying, which girl are you talking about?"
Tsewang "The girl who was talking to you just few moments ago."
Sonam   "Oh I didn't ask her anything personal."
Pasang "We know how pervert you are, so don't act innocent."
Sonam "Being a pervert is better than being insane like you"
Pasang "Nice joke, but it was not funny"
They all laughed because that line was said by Pasang's ex.
Suraj "Give me the form I'll find myself"
Sonam "Lets go to have lunch I'm starving."

That evening Sonam felt different from usual. He didn't like doing anything beside smiling and wondering about Dawa. He wanted share about her, but he didn't know how would his friends reacts. It was not easy for him to hide something from his buddies, so he decided to share.

Sonam"Ravi did you remember that girl?"
Ravi "which one you had many girls before."

Sonam "The girl who was having conversation with me at morning."
Ravi "Oh don't act stupid you have a girlfriend."
Sonam "she had an amazing smile with beautiful eyes. I can't stop thinking about her."
Ravi "She looks like a skeleton not your type."
Sonam "Looks are temporary attraction."
Ravi "so you don't want a good figure now?"
Sonam "f*** up it has nothing to do with beautiful figure, she is unalike in personality than any another girl. I found her different furthermore I'm having strange feelings for her."
Ravi "ha!ha! (laughs softly) go ahead tell me how you are feeling for her. It's kind of interesting."
Sonam "I think there is a connection between us, these feelings are strange to me also I have never felt like this before. I think she's the one with whom I'm ready to spend my whole life."
Ravi "Sonam don't be prat, are you out of your mind, what about Shradha."
Sonam "Use the phrase out of heart, not out of mind bro (with smile)."
Sonam was silent for a while then he said (being serious) I have started falling for her for real. I can't stay with Shradha with these feelings in my heart for Dawa. I have never believed in love at the first sight, but it happened, and it's an amazing feeling. Not only that, but I'm loving it.


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