Kiss(Chapter 12)

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They went to Bouddha did 3 round.

Dawa " Lets go to eat something."

They went to a restaurant asked the waiter for the seat.

Waiter " We have a private room for couples at rooftop."

Sonam was blushing and Dawa's face was red."

Sonam "Shall we go? Or wait for the seat to be empty."

Dawa " I don't feel like waiting I'm hungry so lets go there and eat something.

They were at private room. The door was locked. Sonam was feeling mercurial and wanted to hold her hand. But something was stopping him. He controlled himself and stayed quiet.

Sonam " What do you want to order."

Dawa " I will order ramen I like it, I just love Korean foods and everything. What about you."

Sonam " I am a regular Nepali, so I must not ignore momo?"

Dawa "I just love Ramen."

Waiter comes ask for the order after few minute's waiter brought the foods. Both of them were Hungry.

Dawa " This ramen is not good at all. They don't know how to cook properly."

Her mood was kind of off.

Sonam took her fork and picked the momo from his plate and told her to open her mouth.

Dawa " What are you doing ?"

Sonam "Please let me feed you with my hand."

Dawa smiled and said " I can eat by self."

Sonam " Till now I have not treated any girl like this but I want to try with you."

She blushed and kept on eating .

Dawa " 5 pieces are only left why don't you eat."

Sonam " I'm enjoying feeding you."

Dawa Took another fork she also started feeding him with her hand. They asked another 2 plates of mo:mo and did same.

They were returning from Bouddha suddenly it started raining. There was nothing near to stop by. Sonam didn't want Dawa to get wet, so he took wind cheater from his bag and gave it to her also gave her bag to cover her hair.

Dawa "So you want to get wet."

Sonam " I don't you to get sick."

Dawa looked Sonam strangely then They saw a small Tea shop stopped there drank tea.

Rain was stopped so they went from there.

It was almost near her house.

Dawa " I think we should say bye now."

Gave him the wind cheater.

Sonam " I have to give you something ."

He took his runner-up medal and said " This is the first achievement of my life, I want to give it to you."

Dawa didn't have any words, but she said " There is something in your chicks come near."

Sonam went near her. She pretended like wiping and gave him chick kiss.

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