Unable to sleep(chapter 3)

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Later at night (11 pm). By this time usually he used to be in his dreams. But that day he didn't felt comfortable something was going on there was so many questions lead by curiosity.
He was thinking what really happened to him, why so lost and thinking about that girl.
When he was trying to sleep automatically her image arrived at his eyes then the same thought went again and again.

Next morning...
Ravi "get up, you are late we have already finished doing everything. I am going to the class catch you later."
Sonam "Ravi, do me a favor."
Ravi "Sure, what can I do for you?"
Sonam "Tell the warden I'm not well and can't attend the classes."
Ravi "Not well what happened?"
Sonam "Nothing I just want to sleep more and I have not done any of my assignments."
Ravi "How could you finish, when you were talking 2 hours about that girl."
Sonam "That's power of love"
Ravi "That's not power it's called stupidity, I'm
already late, I'll inform that jailer about you."

Warden went to Sonam's dormitory asked him "What happened to you?"
Sonam "I'm not well but by 9'o clock I'll be fine."
Warden "Take rest for today, don't go anywhere just stay here, therefore you have a match tomorrow so take proper rest.
I'm leaving take care."

Whole day he had to stay in the dormitory although he was just pretending to be a sick.
His eyes were longing to see her. Sometimes he felt like going to court and see her.
Suddenly Ravi came to Dormitory and said "She was asking about you."
Sonam "S***********k !! Don't mess with me right now, my eyes are thirsty to see her at least once.
Ravi "you S**************k first, I'm serious."
Sonam "How can I trust you? you must be playing around. Say something that I could believe."
Ravi "Mr. duplicate official."
Sonam "You're kidding, oh f***k it's real,
punch me."
Ravi punched him...
Sonam "oh f****k, it's not my imagination its real and you aren't playing around. How did she ask you about me?



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