Friday (chapter 7)

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Party was going on, everyone was enjoying sonam gave signal to that junior, and they both went to their mission.

Sonam "Are you sure where the key is?

Junior Trust me, I have seen many times, I'm going to bring the keys."

Sonam "I am here, if anyone comes I'll give you the signal pretend like filling water there is water filter near that cupboard."

Junior " I found the key's mission successful"

Sonam " yes!yes! Silently ok lets go fast"

They both went to computer lab and started doing own work.

(1 friend request)

Sonam " Is this you?"

Junior "which one"?

Sonam " Hunter Prasidha"

Junior "yes ,it's me."

Sonam "Accepted now I will text Dawa"

(5 am)

Prasidha "Sonam brother lets go, you have been staring this photo from last 3 hours with smile"

They came back from computer lab and prasidha went to sleep, Sonam went to class.

Whole day Sonam was thinking about dawa .

Later that evening while eating dinner some friends of Sonam were talking about home weekend. Sonam got more excited, said to himself " even nature is supporting me, this is sign of something good."

Sonam " Today is Wednesday so Friday we all are going home, I'm dawn excited can't be happier than this."

Ravi " Power of stupidity."

Sonam " What about you, you're dating the dumbest girl."

Ravi "Real love doesn't look any qualities, I love her the way she is."

Sonam "Say something more about love why I'm enjoying statement, go on I don't have objection."

Tsewang saying slowly to Pasang " I think this guy is seriously in love this time."

Pasang "who, Ravi?"

Tsewang "No, i'm talking about you crazy lover"

Pasang " Excuse me"

Tsewang " I'm talking about Sonam, just look the way he is blushing. I have never seen this kind of reaction from him."

Sonam "I heard you guys and you will never see this again I love her man for real"

Sonam started wondering again then they went to dormitory. Ravi was staying a bit away from Sonam because He knew what exactly his was going to say.

Next Day (Thursday)

Sonam was counting down 24 hours so that he could go home, Thinking about dawa more and more."

ITS FRIDAY.........


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