Propose (Chapter 20)

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Suraj "I haven't thought of leaving her. In case that girl accepts my proposal than I will surely leave her."

Others came back from kitchen. They played basketball went back to class. Bell rang Sonam was about to go home. Ravi stopped him. He sat on his knee told sonam "Would you please bring me snacks from tomorrow."

Sonam "F*** you, But I'm convinced the way you request to me. I will bring you only for tomorrow."

Sonam thought "If I propose Dawa like this she might accept my proposal. I don't want to be late. I'll propose her."

Sonam went back to home. He called Dawa.

He told everything about that 2 weeks.

Dawa "Congrats. I saw you from bus."

Sonam " I'm glad that you noticed me plus I can meet you every day."

Dawa "I'm free now if you won't to meet you can come.

Sonam " I will come to your place after one hour. First I will cook food for my grandfather."

While making food for his grandfather he thought how to propose her.

( I will drop on my one knee, I will say I love you in Korean. She likes Korean so it will be prefect). He practiced in mirror.

One hour later Sonam went to her place met her. They talked about the school how their whole day went. Sonam was nervous to tell her how he feels about her.

Sonam thought "She kissed me on my chick. She doesn't mind holding my hand, I think she also knows how I feel about her. She's always ready to meet me. Should I do or not?

What If she rejects, Our friendship might break I'm feeling scared now.

But One day I have to approach her so why not now? It's hard to hold my feelings for her, so I will say no matter she says. It doesn't matter if our friendship breaks, I can never be her friend. I want to be her boyfriend and husband."

Dawa " I think I should go. Do you have anything to say?"

Sonam " Yes I have to say you something."

He sat on his one knee holds her hand.

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