The Auditions

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm screaming through my room. My stomach fills with nerves the second I get out of bed. Today is the day that I put my singing talent to good use by auditioning for The X Factor. My mother and father persuaded me by constantly nagging me for weeks. After scrolling on my phone and responding to my friends, I decided to start getting ready.

Looking into the mirror one last time, I decide that my outfit/hair and makeup look perfect. My mother picked a simple gray dress and a denim jacket for me to wear. I slid on my black Vans before rushing downstairs to eat breakfast. Jumping the last four steps, I see my father making his signature pancakes. My mother hands me a plate with two freshly made pancakes and some fruit. Turning to me, my mother asks, "Are you excited for today Y/N?". Facing her with my mouth shoved full of food, "I think so, I'm a little nervous. What if they decide that I'm not good enough?". "Honey don't think like that," my father starts, "your voice is amazing and you know that. Even if you do get sent home today, won't it feel better to know that you tried?". Lifting up my head to see my mother nodding at me, I responded with, "I guess you're right Dad.". My response made them both smile widely at me. We decide to finish our breakfast and pack the car up to head towards Manchester.

Hours later we reach our hotel in Manchester, my parents somehow managed to get us a room close to Manchester Central, the area where auditions are being held. Looking down from our twelfth floor we notice a small line already forming. After grabbing everything we need, my family decides to walk to the arena.

"It was a good thing we left early.", my mother mentions as she looks back at the huge line behind us. My father and I slightly nodded in agreement. We stood in line for about fifteen more minutes, before a deep voice grabbed my attention. Looking up from my phone, I notice a brunette curly headed boy stretching his hand out to me. Shyly, I reach my hand out to shake his with a smile. "Hello, I decided that since we've been in line for a long time, I might as well talk to people that I don't know. Might make the time go faster.", the curly boy states. Agreeing with him, I move closer to him to have a conversation. "Well my name is Y/F/N Y/L/N, and these are my parents.", I say while pointing back towards my parents. He waves at both at them, then mentions that his name is Harry Styles. He also introduces me to his mother Anne and sister Gemma. Once introductions are over, we start talking about multiple topics while paying attention to the line ahead of us.

About an hour later, Harry and I are at the front of the line waiting to get inside. After checking in and getting our numbers, we decided to sit by each other in the waiting room. I take quick note that Harry and I are one number apart. His being 165998 and mine being 165999. At least we won't have to wait around to watch each other audition. Making small talk again, Harry figures out that he has never asked me for my age. "Oh, I'm 15 years old, my birthday was a few months ago,", I simply state, "What about you?". "I'm sixteen.", he answers. Time passes as we continue to exchange facts between ourselves.

"165998", a loud voice comes over the intercom, "165998.". Harry slowly turns to me offering a hug before he goes out to preform. I gladly accept his hug and feel my mother slowly smirking behind me. "Good luck Harry, I know you'll do great.", I smile at him. He smiles back, "Thank you Y/N. We'll wait for you to audition and we can meet up afterwards if you want?". I nodded towards him, "I would enjoy that Harry". He smiles and walks through the double wooden doors with his family towards the stage. I turn around to see my mother and father smiling at me. My mother elbows me before asking if I have a crush on Harry. I facepalm before mentioning that he is cute, but it would be hard for us to form a relationship unless we both get through tonight. I soon see Harry on one of the screens in the waiting room. His mother kisses him backstage before he walks out onto the stage in front of the judges. Harry introduces himself in front of the three judges, and mentions that he will be preforming "Isn't She Lovely" by Stevie Wonder. The music starts and lyrics seem to just flow out of Harrys mouth. My eyes widen, I was unsure about his singing capabilities. At the end of his performance, I held hands with my mother hoping that the judges would put him through. He first received a "no" from Louis Walsh, I decided to "boo" along with the rest of the crowd. Thankfully Nicole and Simon decided to say "yes", meaning that Harry gets to advance. I hug my mother tightly before I hear my number called over the intercom. My face turns pale, how did I forget that I was auditioning too? I got lost in conversation to even prepare for my audition, hopefully this doesn't stop me from being put through. I walk up to the big wooden doors and prepare to make my way onto the stage.

After hugging my mother and father tightly, I begin to walk on stage and hear the crowd beginning to clap for my entrance. "Hello", I hear Simon greet me. Bring the microphone up to my lips, I manage to squeak out a "hello". He then asks for me to introduce myself and announce what song I will be preforming for them. "My name is Y/F/N Y/L/N and I will be preforming "Teenage Dream" by Katy Perry.", I mention over the microphone. The judges wish me luck, and the music starts playing. Using all of my strength and music ability. Listening to the crowd, I make the conclusion that I did a decent job. After the crowd quieted down, the judges started their verdicts. "Y/N", Simon started, "excellent job overall, there were a few spots that could have been better, but I have decided on a "yes", congrats.". The crowd cheers and I smile widely thanking Simon. Nicole sadly noted that she thought my voice is good, but not great. She sent a "no" my way, I swear I heard my mother booing along with the crowd. Waiting for Louis Walsh to give me his answer, my nerves persuade me to slowly put my head down to look at my feet. "Y/N", I hear Louis begin, "I want you to pick your head up, because I'm giving you a "yes", congratulations young lady.". The crowd stands and starts to cheer and my family runs out to hug me.

I quickly made my way outside of the arena with my family, and begin looking around for the curly haired boy. I feel someone hug me from behind and congratulate me. "Why didn't you tell me you could sing like that?", Harry demands. I slightly laugh and state, "Well, you didn't ask.". That response caused him to give me a playful punch in the arm. Anne asks my parents if we would like to join them for supper, which my mother gladly accepts. We drive to the nearest restaurant, and start talking about our auditions and other things. Before my family and I started walking back to the hotel, Harry stopped me to give his phone number and promise that we will remain friends when we return for boot camp. And with that, began our journey on The X Factor.

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