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Another hour passed and Lucas and Ashton were cuddled up on Lucas' bed, enjoying the peace of the simple moment.
Their legs were tangled up and a blanket was lazily pulled up, hardly covering their private parts. Lucas head rested on Ashton's shoulder and the boy drew an invisible pattern with his left hand on the drummer's chest. Ashton's left arm was loosely draped over Lucas' side, his hand cupping the boy's hip as he let his thumb circle on the pale skin.
He sighed, a satisfied smile displayed on his still slightly swollen lips, putting his free hand under his head and looking at the ceiling.

'Ash?', Lucas asked, moving his head up to look at Ashton, who hummed in response.

'When will I see your place?'

'My place?', Ashton questioned, turning on his side now to face the boy in his arms.

'Yeah, your place. Where you live, you know?'

'Yeah, yeah sure', Ashton mumbled, making Lucas chuckle.

'So?', he asked, tapping Ashton's nose with his finger, causing the honey blonde to scrunch his nose. Ashton took the finger in his hand, bringing it down and intertwining their hands, before pecking the boy's lips softly.

'You remember Luke?'
Lucas nodded, thinking back to the night they met in the club. He had seen the boy only in the dim light of the club, but he remembered the boy nevertheless

'He stays over at the moment, because his girlfriend kicked him out', Ashton explained, deciding to leave the part where Luke cheated on her with him untold.

'Oh', Lucas only said, not knowing what to say.

'It's really not what you might think. I'm over Luke.'

'It's okay Ash, I trust you', the boy assured him, kissing Ashton's cheek and letting his lips linger on his skin for a little longer, before bringing the distance between their faces back.

'You know what, let's go.'

'To see your flat?'

'To see my house', Ashton corrected with a smug grin, making Lucas roll his eyes playfully.

'My apologies, I forgot the part where you were famous and own a whole freaking house', Lucas said and stood up, starting to dress himself. Ashton chuckled and dressed himself as well, leaving the room to put on his shoes, but not without pulling Lucas in for another kiss.

'So affectionate', Lucas giggled, letting Ashton pull him along to the front door and finally, towards the car.

'Nuh-uh. My car, I drive.'


'No buts Ashy. Get in the passenger seat.' Ashton nodded and obeyed with a pout, giving the red head his puppy eyes.

'Forget it.'


'Oh god, what are you even doing with all that space?', Lucas asked, walking through the big house.

'The ususal. Hanging up a few photos, decorating everything, having a pool in the garden, throwing parties, do-'

'A pool in the garden?', Lucas interrupted him excited, jumping up and down.

'Yeah, it's not that big though', Ashton said and showed Lucas the garden.

'Are you kidding me? This is ama- Ashton don't you da-', Lucas tried to speak but his words were silenced as he fell in the pool.

'Ashton!', Lucas cried out, rubbing his eyes and swimming towards the edge of the pool. He held a hand out for Ashton to grab, wanting to be pulled up. The drummer only laughed and pulled his shirt off and kicked his shoes off, before he jumped in himself. As he surfaced again, he was immediately met with a wide smiling Lucas.

'This is amazing, you are amazing', he said, whispering the last part as he wrapped his arms around Ashton's neck. The drummer himself wrapped his arms around Lucas' waist and pulled him close, letting their lips meet in a sweet, innocent kiss as he allowed the boy to wrap his legs around him aswell.
Ashton used one hand to comb through the boy's red hair, earning a happy sigh from him.
Lucas licked over Ashton's lip, making the boy part his lips and deepening the kiss.

'Ashton? Ashton are you at home?', someone yelled and a door shutting was heard. The boys broke apart, looking at each other.

'Luke', Ashton mumbled, frowning. He hadn't thought about Luke being home anymore.

Luke's voice was now a lot closer and soon, the blonde stepped into the garden.

'Oh', he said as he saw his best friend and Lucas in the pool, 'sorry, I didn't knew you weren't alone.'
Before Ashton had a chance to say anything, Luke turned around and walked back inside. Jealousy clouded his mind once again, reminding him of the feelings he had desperately tried to ignore. Tears welled up in his eyes as he hurried to the room he stayed in at Ashton's house, throwing himself on top of his bed.

'I-I think I should look for him and see whether he's okay', Ashton said, still looking at the spot Luke had stood at only seconds ago.

'Yeah, maybe. I'm sorry for causing problems', Lucas mumbled, swimming to the edge of the pool and watching Ashton climb out.

'Don't be baby. You didn't do anything wrong.' Ashton crouched down, cupping Lucas' lips once more, before getting up and walking into the house. He assumed that Luke went to his room and he hoped the guitarist had left the door unlocked. Walking through the livingroom, he left a trail of water due to his soaked clothes and hair, but this wasn't something he wanted to worry about now.
When he reached the room, he saw that Luke hadn't even closed the door, so he walked in without hesitation.


'Not now Ash', Luke mumbled, not bothering to look at his friend.

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