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Luke Hemmings and Sierra Deaton - breakup?

Leadsinger and guitarist of the Australian band 5 Seconds of Summer Luke Hemmings broke up with his girlfriend

5 theories about the sudden split of singer Luke Hemmings and girlfriend Sierra Deaton

Singer Luke Hemmings available again - ex-girlfriend Sierra Deaton shares surprising news on social media platform Instagram

Four days since they had shared the news and every social media platform was nearly exploding with posts about it.
From wishing Luke and Sierra strength and all the best to wild theories about why they had broken up filled the internet and Ashton had already had a few heart attacks.
A few people seemed to have caught on already, luckily not having any proof for Luke and Ashton being a thing yet.

'How long until Luke can leave?'

'I.. uhm, I don't know. Depends how much progress he is making.'

'And how much is he making?'

'I don't know', Ashton said with a frown, biting his nails.

'Don't you visit him regularly?', the woman on the other hand asked again in a rude tone, making Ashton feel small and vulnerable. He hated informing their management about Luke's health, but he had to, because otherwise they would get in serious trouble.

'I do.. but I'm not being informed unless Luke says otherwise', Ashton explained and hoped that the woman would finally let it go.. She didn't.

'Then make sure that you are informed and pass this information on to us immediately.'

'Of course', Ashton answered, but the woman probably hadn't heard him anymore, since she had hung up on him right after she had finished speaking.
With a heavy sigh, Ashton put the phone down and buried his face in his hands.
He was completely overwhelmed with the situation and the pressure suddenly became so unbearable that Ashton couldn't hold back the tears anymore.

His whole body was shaking as he sobbed loudly, the tears running down his cheeks and hands.
All he wanted was Luke to sit next to him, healthy and stable, telling him that this nightmare was over and that soon everything was back to normal.
Of course he knew that they still had a long way until then and so everything Ashton could do was cry. He cried and cried until his eyes burned and his cheeks were sore from wiping the tears away.

His way into his bedroom seemed long and when he finally arrived, he let himself fall onto his bed completely exhausted.
Right now, he would do anything to cuddle with Luke, to have him near and kiss the pain away.

The next time Ashton woke up, it was dark outside and his now even more exhausted body didn't allow him to get up, so he stayed in bed and closed his eyes again. Sleep took over and it was the next day when Ashton opened his eyes once again. This time he was a little rested and able to get up, making himself a cup of tea.
He added a little sugar, threw the teabag away and sat down on Luke's bed, looking out of the window.

He saw the sun shining down on the houses surrounding them, lightning everything up and signaling the beginning of a new day. Long story shirt: Ashton hated it, because without Luke, he had no purpose and no reason for getting up.
He felt useless without Luke and all he did was waiting for the next time that he could visit the gorgeous blonde.

Luckily, today was one of those days that Ashton visited him and so he got ready and by noon, he sat in his car, on the way to the clinic.
The scenery slowly passed and Ashton felt some kind of relief when he finally saw the silhouette of the huge building.

Finding a parking spot was more difficult than usually and so he spend almost ten minutes with that. In the end, he found a free spot in the backyard of the building and he quickly got out of his car and went into the clinic.
There, he went through the now almost familiar process of security scans and checks and put his things away, before he stepped through the glass door and into the hallway.
The hallway had five doors on each side, all having withdrawal patients living in them and Ashton had to pass two of them, before he could knock on one.

'Ash?', the sweet and melodic voice of the blonde guitarist sounded up and only seconds later, the door was opened and Ashton let in.

'Hey darling, how are you?', Ashton asked and wrapped his arms around Luke, kissing the boy's lips.

'Better. I haven't thrown up once this week', Luke answered with a bright smile that warmed up the drummer's heart.

'And it's Friday, that's amazing cupcake', Ashton praised him and kissed Luke once more. When they parted again, Luke was quick to act and reconnected their lips, making Ashton let out a surprised noise.

Luke grinned into the kiss and pulled Ashton even closer if possible, enjoying the physical contact more than anything in the past weeks.
His poisoned body got stronger with every day he survived in the clinic and his mental health started to improve aswell. In therapy he had started to understand that pushing every kind of help away wasn't a solution and that facing his problems was the only way of solving them. Having Ashton visiting him regularly were his own personal rewards and he looked forward to those days the most every week.

'I'm so proud of you, even though I have to admit that I miss you so much every day.'
Once again, they sat on Luke's bed and enjoyed being close to each other. Something that they had been able to do every day and now became such a rare thing.
But maybe that was what made them realize how much they really loved and needed each other, because their meeting became special and it gave them the opportunity to see the beauty in dark times.

'I miss you too, so much.'

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