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'With their singles 'Easier' and 'Teeth' followed by their newest song 'No Shame' topping the charts, please welcome with us 5 Seconds of Summer!'

'Hello boys', the interviewer greeted them, shaking everyone's hand, before letting them sit down on a couch. All four boy's had wide smiles on their lips, similar to the interviewer's face.

'How are you?', the man asked and a second microphone was passed onto Luke.

'We're good, how are you?', Luke asked politely and Ashton couldn't help but glance at his boyfriend who sat on the other side of the couch.

'Good, good. Boys, your new single 'No Shame' is topping the charts since it's release, is this a first glimpse of what your new album will sound like?'

'Yes, you could say that. We wanted to try something new this time around and changed the sound up a bit', Ashton this time explained, Luke's and his hand touching for a short moment when the blonde had handed the microphone over.

'Wow, okay this sounds as if we can be excited and look forward to the release', the interviewer said and all four boys nodded.

'Are there any dates we can note in our calendars?'

'Hm well, mark the sixth March for now', Michael said leaning over to the microphone in Ashton's hands.

'Oh, this sounds exciting. Well, now that the music industry is loving you so much, are there any jealous girlfriends, perhaps boyfriends at home?', the interviewer digged, coming straight to why they were there in the first place.

Nervous passing around of the microphone followed until Calum decided to speak up, smiling at the interviewer and saying, 'I wouldn't say she's jealous, but there is indeed a special someone.'

'What's her name?'

'Aarany', Calum said and watched the interviewer lean forward interested.

'Aarany, a beautiful name. Tell us about her.'

'Well, she's great. Almost as colourful as Michael, if he wouldn't have Crystal, I might aswell could've dated him', Calum joked, receiving a stuck out tongue from his friend.

'Alright, maybe that love would've been one-sided', Calum added with a laugh and they moved on.

'What about the others? Michael, how is your girlfriend Crystal?', he asked instead and Michael told him everything he wanted to know, before he turned to Ashton and Luke.

'Well, currently I'm single', Luke lied and bit is lip. He quickly smiled at the interviewer though, making sure that no one would be able to tell that he was lying.

'Single, okay ladies, one member of 5 Seconds of Summer seems to be available. What about Ashton?'
All eyes were on Ashton now, even Luke's as the blonde was just as curious as he was scared of what Ashton had to say.

'I happened to find someone too', Ashton started and right now, probably no one would believe anything he said.

'Not so shy, tell us about that certain someone', the interviewer asked, giving Ashton no chance to back out.

'He's a tall and funny.. a very bubbly boy, but at least just as sweet and supporting, he's always there for me and probably the most loveable person', Ashton said carried away and if you knew, then you could see Luke blushing slightly.

'What a description, see boys, that's what we want to hear', the interviewer laughed, looking at the camera and back to the boys.

'So, a he, huh?'

'Yes', Ashton confirmed with a blush coating his cheeks. He nervously scratched the back of his neck, a nervous chuckle leaving his mouth, but to his surprise, the interviewer ended the interview there.


'Okay, so here we have cards with questions from fans that have been asked under the hashtag 5sos tell us about it. We have chosen ten of those and you have five seconds to ask each question.'
All boys nodded and then they started.

'Okay, we'll start of with an easy one. Name of the new album?'

'Haha nice try, that's a secret', Calum said and shrugged his shoulders with a cheeky smile.

'Hm, alright. Worth a shot. What about.. the number of songs that will be on the album?'

'Also a secret, but.. twelve', Ashton gave away. They obviously had been told to give away this information and so the interviewer was happy with the answer and went on.

'What's the favourite bromance of the band?'

'Malum', Calum answered, blinking at Michael repeatedly blowing a kiss in his direction. Michael caught the kiss and brought his hand over his heart, pretending to almost faint.

'Alright', the interviewer laughed, looking back at his cards, 'most likely to steal clothes from another band member?'

'Luke', all of them said in unison, leaving Luke pouting.
And that's how they continued until all ten questions had been asked.

'So Ashton, you've told us about your boyfriend, what was his name again?'

'Elliot', Ashton answered, knowing that the papers had already found out the boy's name anyways. The last two weeks had been full of fake dates between Ashton and Elliot. The boy was nice, yeah but Ashton just couldn't get himself to like the boy. It should be Luke on his side. He wanted to proudly show his beautiful boyfriend and he wanted to yell it from the rooftops, but the signed contract prevented him from that. So instead of telling the world how much he loved his true love Luke, he answered questions and let himself be photographed in public with Elliot.

'That leaves us wondering.. you had a girlfriend before. Has this lead to you realising that women weren't your cup of tea?'

'I like to not think about it like that and prefer not putting labels on anything', Ashton answered and smiled politely at the interviewer. It was obvious that the woman had wanted to hear something different, but Ashton wasn't going to give her and the world that, just so they can write articles about him.

'Alright, so Elliot is a little younger than you, is that right?'

'He's 22, yes.'

'Leaves a four year age gap between you two', she stated the obvious and Ashton just nodded.

'Has this caused any difficulties in the band?'

'Uhm.. no? They're all very supporting', Ashton said, a glance back to the others showing him their equal confusion about the question.

'I see', she said, an unreadable expression on her face as she looked down on her cards, sorting through them.

'Yeah', Ashton just mumbled and leaned back against the couch, a frown on his face as he shook his head. The others gave him a sympathetic look.

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