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It was in the middle of the night when Ashton woke up to a loud bang, followed by someone swearing.
He immediately got up and looked for Luke. The boy's room was empty, meaning he could only be downstairs.

'Lu?', Ashton asked, not sure if what he saw through the dark hallway was actually his best friend.

'Oh, I didn't mean to wake you up, I'm sorry', Luke apologized and looked at Ashton. The blonde was hopping on one foot while holding the other one and leaned against the wall.

'Don't worry. Are you okay though?'

'Oh yeah, yeah sure. I only forgot that doorframes were a thing for a second and stubbed my toe on one.'

'Ouch', Ashton commented, now being able to see the blonde boy, because his eyes started to get used to the darkness.

'Yeah, ouch describes it quite well', Luke mumbled, finally letting go of his foot. An uncomfortable silence followed in which the boys only looked at each other, not knowing what to do next. Luke had long forgotten why he had been up in the first place.

'Why.. why weren't you sleeping anyways?', Ashton finally broke the tension. Luke shrugged, making Ashton chuckle.

'You don't know?'

'Well I do.. I- I think I wanted to.. maybe drink something or so?', Luke questioned, not really caring about that anymore. He wanted to kick himself in the bum for staring at his best friend, stuttering and acting around him like a teenager.

'I should probably go to sleep. Sorry for waking you up again', Luke mumbled.



'Ashy?', Luke mumbled, his sweater covered hands muffling the sounds.

'Are you up?', he asked again and when no answer came, Luke bit on the fabric of the sweater. As he listened to the flat, relaxed breathing of his best friend, he almost didn't want to wake him up anymore. He looked so peaceful and Luke didn't want to be the reason for this to end, because in the end, Ashton had been caught up with Luke and his problems lately and some peace was probably necessary.

'Lu?', a voice suddenly asked, ripping Luke out of his deep thoughts. The boy fixated his eyes on his friend again, shyly waving at him as the drummer rubbed his eyes.

'Is everything okay?', Ashton asked and sat up, patting the space in bed next to him. Luke hesitated at first, but sat down after a stern look from the older boy.

'I was just.. I don't know. I still couldn't sleep and wanted to see if you're awake and you weren't so I wanted to leave and now you are awake and it's my fault, because you have to be there for me all the time and you probably don't want to have me around all the time. Too much Luke isn't good for anyone, you know?', Luke rambled and Ashton needed a few seconds to get the words and their meaning straight in his head.

'Oh no. Actually, I haven't seen you in days, almost weeks. You've been constantly locked in your room and I really missed you. Also, I love spending time with you, okay? So please stop putting yourself down all the time. You're my best friend for a reason', Ashton explained and pulled the shy boy further onto the bed and under the covers.
Maybe it was the fact that Ashton had used the word love or the sudden touch and closeness to him, but Luke wasn't able to reply at all. He just stared at him through his big blue eyes, trying to understand what it was that he was feeling around Ashton.

'You look like a baby deer right now', Ashton pointed out and softly tapped Luke's nose, watching as he scrunched his nose up and crinkles formed around his eyes as a wide smile found it's way onto his lips.

'You know you're beautiful, do you?', Ashton suddenly asked, still completely focused on his adorable best friend infront of him. Luke was still blushing and the compliments didn't exactly help with that.

'I.. I don't know. Am I?', Luke asked. Maybe he really didn't knew it, but the possibility that he just wanted Ashton to say it again was definitely there and realistically high.

'You are Lu. You are very beautiful', Ashton mumbled and lost himself once again for the hundredth time in Luke's stunning blue eyes. Something about his eyes was just mesmerizing and Ashton couldn't stop himself from leaning in. Their lips were only inches apart and Luke's breath hitched as he realized how closer they really were.

'Ashton', he whispered, but the drummer only put a finger on Luke's lips to silence him.

'Shh, no need to talk', he mumbled and Luke nodded softly as he tried his best to ignore his racing heart that was probably close the giving out.
As Ashton slowly lifted his hand to put it on Luke's chin, it was clearly visible that he was shaking aswell.

Their eyes still locked with each other, Ashton used his hand to pull Luke's chin up a little, letting their bottom lips brush against each other. Neither of them dared to breathe at this point, scared to ruin the little moment.

The light that illuminated the hall came in through the small crack under the door and barely lightened up the room. It was hardly enough for them to see each other's faces, but Ashton and Luke didn't need more.

Their bottom lips still touched and finally, Ashton moved just a little closer, letting their lips fully connect. Their eyes closed almost naturally.
At first, they didn't move their lips any further, but as Luke still didn't pull away, Ashton put a hand on the back of the boy's neck and started moving his lips. Luke hesitated, but kissed him back, sighing at the strangely familiar feeling.
Ashton's tongue traced along Luke's bottom lip, making the boy part his lips. As their lips moved against each other as if they'd never done anything else, another source of light lit up, making them break apart almost immediately.

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